New change in infinite streak requirements?

HeyChasonHeyChason Member Posts: 4
edited May 2018 in General Discussion
I was running a team of 5*’s in featured 5 star arena this morning and got a deathmatch (36,000+ total PI) when I ran a team of R1’s. I had done a few R1 teams prior to that one, with similar PI (around 9,200). Photo was taken at match #45.

Has anyone else experienced this? I’ve run R1’s 7-8 times in every featured 5* arena since it was released.

I lost my streak on this matchup, so not able to test again until later.


  • FingfangfoomfanesFingfangfoomfanes Member Posts: 1,102 ★★★
    edited May 2018
    and what's up with Death teams in the arena? I reached streak 64 and was using r1 lvl 25 Juggs r1 lvl 25 UC five stars and r3 lvl 30 max sig Colosssus 4 star and I got matched to 13K blade 12K spidey stark and 10k GR.

    Greeeeeeeeeeat. So I battled and hoped my champs would pull thru. Sadly, no.

    And before I could get a screen cap, the animation swooshed to the initial 0 streak screen. Ugh
  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 865 ★★★
    HeyChason wrote: »
    I was running a team of 5*’s in featured 5 star arena this morning and got a deathmatch (36,000+ total PI) when I ran a team of R1’s. I had done a few R1 teams prior to that one, with similar PI (around 9,200). Photo was taken at match #45.

    Has anyone else experienced this? I’ve run R1’s 7-8 times in every featured 5* arena since it was released.

    I lost my streak on this matchup, so not able to test again until later.

    Yes, had this happen on match 101 with my r1 5* this morning. I've also run them in multiple arenas with no issues, but I've been following this thread so I was only a little surprised.

    However, I had been hoping that it was related to 4* only, since that's all I recall seeing in previous posts. I don't dip that deep in my 4* roster, so I keep the PI in very safe territory.

    But the 5* points are too good to play safe since I have so many garbage champs that I never wanna take past rank 1. I would consider r2 on most of them, except for the 5 t1a. That's ridiculous when it's only 1 to take a 4* to r4. SG, AM, HB, Colossus, Groot, IP, IF. No way I'll waste dozens of alphas on that doo-doo.

    I'll just keep playing them at r1 and take my chances. I need to keep doing this arena for 5* shards so I can try to get better champs faster so I don't get left behind by my alliance and game content in general. Especially when the answer most folks give questions about hard fights is I used X god-tier, followed up with but YOU can really use anybody if you got skilz son.

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