Who thinks we should be able to combine lower star champions into higher star champions?

With all the different characters in the game it’s pretty much impossible to level up everyone, like myself I have a group of 10 or so I level up and that’s it! I think we should be able to combine lower star champions with higher star champions to further level up. In Kabam’s other game “Transformers: Forged to Fight” you are able to “forge” or merge characters and mods to make your players even stronger. What do y’all think?

Who thinks we should be able to combine lower star champions into higher star champions? 75 votes

Let us combine players
Jh_DezDeathBringer77LoPrestialdisco1Mrbeast6000UC439AlCapone2727Stark78Alfadfmoore26Nick0609Shawny89DGocards27ChampioncriticShadow_Phoneixumrjake57Aleornmess23EdoardoVVVKick_ass_hero_tha1stWickedMindz 20 votes
I like it the way it is
MegaSkater67FrostyPrimmer79Son_of_OdinJackie2CokesSac123_Cosmic_Ray13Rogue42Savio444PandamanTanSpiderCoolsKyleMThecrusher_9756PizzabeatMutantWharf8rockykostonBendersBountyAnimatronicstoRicemanLogangroncki 32 votes
I like popcorn!
NEOSlux83TrandafiradqqedfyvrArmandStarSKK65SpiritOfVengeanceGluteusMaximusFR33_HUG5Onmix[Deleted User]NiteAndDaeElitehunterArnav1004_yadavBahamutJC_RA_4RJackbrooks2580TitaniumcraftBatpotter 23 votes


  • Armaganon00Armaganon00 Member Posts: 741 ★★
    Like transformers.. Agreed
  • Ground_Round1Ground_Round1 Member Posts: 1,012
    No...just no.
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    I like it the way it is
    Should stay the way it is
  • KyleMKyleM Member Posts: 129
    I like it the way it is
    This is a bad idea no matter how you put it no offence
  • Mrbeast6000Mrbeast6000 Member Posts: 457
    Let us combine players
    How do i fix my phone
  • Hntr984_Hntr984_ Member Posts: 9
    Has anyone that’s not in favor played Transformers? I recommend trying it and see what it’s like... you don’t have 100 characters that you never use, and if u do lvl them up u can combine with upper levels to make stronger champions
  • Hntr984_Hntr984_ Member Posts: 9
    KyleM are u a hoader? Can you honestly tell me you use every one of the characters that you have? I would much rather get more than a couple coins and a low lvl ISO for selling characters I don’t use. If you don’t want to combine your players you don’t have to, you can keep them and nothing changes you still get ability advancements every time you get a duplicate etc.... download Transformers and see what I’m talking about before you knock it.
  • KoiBoy18KoiBoy18 Member Posts: 350 ★★★
    I like it the way it is
    Champions <> Constructicons (as cool as Constructicons are)
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  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Let us combine players
    that way people won't need to spend money to get desirable champs, so they won't do it
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  • BatpotterBatpotter Member Posts: 147
    I like popcorn!
    What is this option about?
  • NEONEO Member Posts: 347
    I like popcorn!
    But I hate when it gets stuck in my teeth...
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  • RichiesDad79RichiesDad79 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    You're talking about using lower tier champs to rank and level up the same champ of a higher star rating, instead of using iso and cats? Or are you suggesting using the lower star champ to increase the higher star champs star rating? Because while the former concept is kind of a decent idea despite a few kinks, the latter is absolutely insane and would break the game for real. Absolute chaos
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  • RichiesDad79RichiesDad79 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    Yeah, but then everyone would combine 2star colossus with 4star colossus for a 6star colossus. Someone like me would have 60+ 6 star champs almost immediately. Total chaos would ensue.
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  • RichiesDad79RichiesDad79 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    Unless this was only made possible with 1-3 stars, but still it would screw up the natural progression of the game.
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  • Hntr984_Hntr984_ Member Posts: 9
    To clarify I’m talking about combining lower star champs with higher star champs to increase its level (like using iso’s) not its star rating. You also get a couple tier 3 iso’s, crystal shards and gold for combining them. In Forged to Fight you have you bots rank (1-5 depending on stars), level (1-10, 1-20 etc) and then your forge level. Ever time you forge a lower star bot with an upper star your forge level goes up increasing your special attack strength. You get more for you money is all, your not spending, leveling, ranking for nothing.... like you do now in this game. Once you fully level your lower star champs in this game theirs nothing left to do with them.... just another rip off feature if u ask me.
  • Hntr984_Hntr984_ Member Posts: 9
    And iv also been playing this game twice as long as Forged to Fight and iv already got 1 5* bot and a handful of 4* but I have yet to get one in this game... and only have 7500 shards. I think the developers of this game need to go intern with the guys over at Transformers and come up with better ideas. Much more player friendly... greed hasn’t gotten to the ppl over at Transformers.... yet.
  • FR33_HUG5FR33_HUG5 Member Posts: 1,196 ★★★★
    I like popcorn!
    No. Just no.
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