How to Get uncollected?

Hey, I have ambitions to become uncollected, but I’m still looking for advice as I am only on 5.2.3. Over the few months since my last post, I’ve grinded for blade, took him to R5, and also took Hype to R5. I plan on doing the blade arena again, to awaken him, so he and Stark Spidey will be great. I will also put in Hyperion in the team since he is another R5. I’m still considering the next 2 spots. Since Thor is in arena next week, I might grind for him as I heard his awakened ability is excellent for 5.2.4, but I am still unsure. Do you think I can become uncollected? Which champs should I use throughout the chapter. ( My Pi is only high because I am currently running suicides from the last blade arena. )

