+1 sig for 2 weeks of top milestones

Please start considering your fan base here. I had no idea until today when I popped a crystal and got a dupe of SL that it was only +1. Dungeons are not quick and can often not be easy content if you are running 6. Please start making the rewards equal to the game. Classify them for different levels or something. Spending 30-45 min a day in dungeons to basically get a 5* sig stone if you get a dupe is no where close to equal to the effort given.
It does actually state in the description of the crystal that they contain 5* basic versions of the champion. Perhaps not everyone knows what the basic version is (that it only generates a single signature level if it is a duplicate) and they should make that more clear, but they do at least specify what the crystal contains.
If the ratio of effort to reward matters a lot to you, you should carefully research what the rewards are before putting in the effort. You bear some responsibility to only put in as much effort as you think the rewards are worth.