What's your most prized Champion you have or at least want?



  • NDK13NDK13 Member Posts: 620 ★★
    Maat1985 wrote: »
    NDK13 wrote: »
    Maat1985 wrote: »
    NDK13 wrote: »
    NDK13 wrote: »
    Just becsuse you opened 100 doesn't mean you will get 2, the crystals are independent of each other

    You're right, I should have added 'on average' to my post, I'm aware how statistics work, also aware that 100 at a time isn't really a large pool for accurate data, but still, expected at least one out of my hundred when they list the average 4* drop rate of a PHSC at 2%

    It's been over 7 months since I've seen a 4 star from the PHC

    Are you opening enough PHC, I seem to land about one/two every week. (if I am doing enough Arena)

    And just when I wrote this, I pulled another 4* , sadly it was ant-man.

    Keep opening phc's, you'll eventually get the 4 stars.

    Don't think so @rockykoston I've opened over 1k max Sig stones in both the 3 and 4 star iif to not get him at all. I opened god knows how many PHC in the past few months to not get a single 4 star. With their so called rng being unfair to most players except the chosen ones I don't except to get any good champs at all. The last good champ I got was the 5 star blade after all I got was Ant-Man AV some trash dupe, dupe MK, dupe drax and another trash. In 4 stars all I get are duped no good or new champs. I'm still waiting to get 4 star Ultron.

    i get no luck.....

    except when i pulled my 5* blade.... LMAO......

    also what is your definition of trash dupe???? funnnily enough when you have 50+ 4* you have around a 50% chance of a dupe before even considering any other factors.....

    i prize my 4* AA the most as he has carried me so far. he was my first Arena Champ from my last intermediate Arena....
    but now i gotta Say my 5* medusa about to become r4 and duped may just take that away from him.....

    as far as what i like the most is my 4* IW Cap i grinded arena for........

    @Maat1985 basically arena fodder as trash duped. I have 42 5 stars now and out of those only my pheonix iceman Modok magik and blade are the ones I use the most. Most of my 5 stars are used for arena fodder only. Why should I rank up kamala Khan and mk like characters when there are better skill champs who I can rank up if I get them.

    Noone is telling u rank up bad champs.... rank up who you want....
    But at 42 5* if you are saying you have only 5 good ones i think you have a narrow opinion on what is good. I am sure you have some there that others would be happy to have....
    All i was saying is different people have different oninons on what is trash. You are saying you have 37 trash 5* which means you believe about atleast 1/3 of all avaialable champs are trash

    Yes most of my 5 stars are trash and to save my t4c I have to rank those up. Would you consider mk spidergwen kamala Khan dd Netflix cw Ant-Man and such God tier or worth to rank up to r3 or r4????
    I do have some champs like hela mordo hulk and cable who I can rank to r3. But there are better champs in their respective classes that I don't have like Hyperion voodoo red hulk rogue who are worth the rank 4. So yes my 5 star roster is trash.
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,367 ★★★★
    I would r3 CW... he is underated and i would def do hela and mordo. So yeah as i said matter of opinion @NDK13 .
    I work more with what i have then worry about what i dont or what i could have
  • NDK13NDK13 Member Posts: 620 ★★
    Maat1985 wrote: »
    I would r3 CW... he is underated and i would def do hela and mordo. So yeah as i said matter of opinion @NDK13 .
    I work more with what i have then worry about what i dont or what i could have

    Cw is smack bang in the middle. Already have a Sig 99 r5 4 star mordo no need to get the 5 star up as well. Hela might do her in the future
  • Ch1efsterCh1efster Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    edited June 2018
    Lol. I just want another good 5*. Ever since I got lucky and pulled Blade, my last 5* champs are....

    Red Cyclops x2
    Groot x3
    Doc Ock
    Rocket Raccoon
    Old Man Logan
    OG Cap
    OG Black Panther

    Granted Doc Ock and x-23 are decent, but would really like Iceman, Medusa, Stark Spidey, LC, RHulk or Hype as a 5*. Have all of them except Medusa as 4* already.
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,367 ★★★★
    X-23 amazing, psyloke amazing, og cap great, rocket so powerful, doc oc awesome, cable good.....
    You have a good mix of good and not so good there
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,367 ★★★★
    X-23 amazing, psyloke amazing, og cap great, rocket so powerful, doc oc awesome, cable good.....
    You have a good mix of good and not so good there
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