27k dark artifact worth 1 sig stone. That sucks.

At first I thought it was cool that we could grind for dark artifacts and get a new 5* once we hit 27k... but after getting a mordo to add to my duped mordo I think it sucks. 27k dark artifacts is equals 1 sig stone but it takes about 2-1/2 weeks to get it. I think that really sucks. Thanks Kabam. What do you think? Is it worth it or not?
You did realize that they are basic champs when you opened them, right? It says so in the description on the crystal. Its also stated here on the forums. Why are you complaining?
Some gold, iso and even some sig levels might not matter that much after days of grinding, but at least it's consolation in case you get the champs u want the least, rather than the emptiness of just 1 sig level.
I stopped doing dungeons after day 2, having realised just how much time and effort was involved for so little return. I haven't regretted it once and won't care when they're gone.
1/10 chance is still the best chance we ever had at getting a specific champion that we want.
But your right, it’s a kick if all you get is 1 sig. so all hat time wasted. I did enough for one 5*, not doing anymore.
Dungeons are not stable, always crashing and match ups with partners not suitable sometimes. Improve it or get rid of it.
That’s Hardly free.
Not sure what warrants as ‘enough effort’ to get a full 5*....
My other gripe about these crystals was the drop rates.
The crystal description said “100% chance to get a 5*” .
It leads you to assume that it’s equal chance to get every champ in the crystal, yet in my entire alliance, the best champs pulled were a single Gwenpool and a single Ghost rider. The rest were groots, hulkbusters, Iron patriots and venoms.
Each member got atleast 1 crystal and around half (probably more) got a second. So out of 45~ crystals only 2 got a desirable champ.
Can we please have the drop rates of each individual champion displayed on future crystals like this please?
wow that's the case...for every crystal pull
Sure a GR awakening would’ve been awesome, but taking DD to sig 41, not so much and I had a feeling that is what would’ve happened.
So instead I awakened Miles Morales and got a new Blue Cyc, also not what I wanted but atleast I read the announcement to know that it was just the same as pulling a basic champ from arena.
You’ve hit on a key element of consideration in this game most Summoners miss: time.
F2P is only accurate if you put no value on your time; free rewards are only free if you literally have nothing else to do. While I have invested a significant amount of time in this game since Dec 2014, I’ve come to realize how I value my time versus how this game values it. The two amounts aren’t close to being equal.
As for the drop rates, we can dream.
Dr. Zola
The drop rates are equal to pull all the champs. Kabam has said this every time.