Blade - How to Use?

I got Blade from the last arena. I'm happy with him. But his damage is something I'm worried sometimes. He is obviously a God-Tier champ, but am i playing him wrong or do i need Ghost Rider to unlock the real Potentiality of Blade?
Any suggestion would be appreciated...
Any suggestion would be appreciated...
He's a great counter to Mystical Beings and villains with GR synergy.
But that's where his dominance stops I'm afraid, his damage is ok if or other champs. Sure he has Regen and is atm the best healer but I wouldn't day he's anything special.
That said, he is great at one thing. Defeating Mystical Beings and Villains with GR.
Ghost Rider is the best healer blade can only go back to 71% health gr can go back to full
Yup, danger sense is where it’s with Blade for dimensional beings and add the GR synergy and that carries to villains too. Add stark spidey and that’s 45% stronger. The synergy makes him amazing, but he’s also great without it for anyone who bleeds since their blood loss raises your power gain quickly, which can basically let you heal whenever. Plus, blade can parry and cause bleed. Other than Quake, Blade is one of the few Who can a fight with 0 hits thrown.
There’s no one champ solution, but Blade covers quite a bit. Need him duped for regen though and he’s not great for fights like regular colossus or iceman.
If the opponent is stun immune, they're still going to bleed and benefit you.
In danger sense matchups, he is definitely a cheat code. I'm glad I pulled him because it was exactly what I needed for act 5.4 exploration, taking down modok and mephisto easily.
If you pair him with Ghost Rider, that's 1k extra attack rating and 40% ability redution against Dimensional Beings and Villains. That is, what?, 40% of the champs? MODOK doesnt auto-block as often, Abomination doesn't trigger poison as often, etc.
When I got mine I R5 him and Ghost Rider (despite disliking playing with him) without hesitation. You test him further and you will see.