Starloard vs Wolverine ROL HELP

RajhpRajhp Member Posts: 27
edited June 2017 in Strategy and Tips
How much combo will it take to kill Wolverine with
starlord 4-40 sign level 40?


  • MonasouMonasou Member Posts: 143
    all 400. his regen is insane. that's why everyone brings guilly.
  • RajhpRajhp Member Posts: 27
    So should i use 30 sig-stone on starlord?
    Cause I have only 2* guilly
  • AchillesAchilles Member Posts: 20
    Only way you are going to do it with sl is to quit fight every time he starts to regen and that's going to cost you a lot!! Wait for a heal block or heal reversal champ to bring in. Gully is best. Archangel is great for heal block. Many other options. Obviously scar witch can nullify so can Dr strange. But I'd suggest gully or archangel
  • ARMAGEDDON999ARMAGEDDON999 Member Posts: 123
    Guilly is the answer for it, it doesn't matter if u have 3* guilly the heal reversal will do the job. With SL I think u need to be lucky to inflict heal block on him.
  • TheSOURATheSOURA Member Posts: 674
    Rajhp wrote: »
    How much combo will it take to kill Wolverine with
    starlord 4-40 sign level 40?

    Max him out. Make sig level 99. Use attack boosts. Use glass cannon, assasin. U can take down wolve within 400 hit.
  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Star Lord has a chance for Heal Block on his SP2 and 3. If you just play smart and use his SP2, you've got chance to run up his combo high enough to beat out his Regeneration. And yes, drop those Sig stones on him to help.
  • MRMOJO77MRMOJO77 Member Posts: 215
    Sl can do it.. In bout 3k hits...
  • MRMOJO77MRMOJO77 Member Posts: 215
    I did it with 3* sl before bp nerf... Dont know how it is now.. Havent tried.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    I didn't think sig level mattered on starlord as long as he was awakened?
    You can take that Wolvie with starlord without any quitting of the fight as long as you can keep your combo. It's not easy and gully is much easier imo. But it's possible with a straight up fight w starlord. Just watched a video of my buddy doing it.
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    Guillotine is much faster, but imo not easier. With Guilly there is so much chance involved, not much skill. You can play perfectly and still if there don't trigger enough regens, it's not happening. While with SL the only thing you need to do is not get hit, all skill.
  • Player1994Player1994 Member Posts: 793 ★★★
    a 2* guillotine could do the job u just need to be skilled and super fast :
    u begin the fight with 4 souls each one expire in 10sec / u need 2 to reverse the regen.
    - land sp2 as fast as u can
    - keep hiting him and be crazy agressive so he stack more regen and get **** up.
    - keep doing so until he dies.
    - watch youtube videos
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Never used guillotine on rol wolverine. Star lord is the better option between the two. As @Gwendoline said it’s based off luck with guillotine and pure skill with star lord.

    Op max sig that star lord, rank 5 if possible then you can drop that wolverine with a 280 hit combo at most. Maybe better pending heal blocks and such. I don’t know about a r4 star lord.
  • SgtSlaughter78SgtSlaughter78 Member Posts: 464 ★★★
    Is Yondu and option? Spam sp1? I have a rank 5 4 Star sig 49
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    I did it with a 3* SL with a block team and beat him 1511-0. With a 4/40 you probably need to get a 600-800 combo unless you get lucky with heal block. Just a guess.
  • SweatlipSweatlip Member Posts: 163
    Jaded wrote: »
    Never used guillotine on rol wolverine. Star lord is the better option between the two. As @Gwendoline said it’s based off luck with guillotine and pure skill with star lord.

    Op max sig that star lord, rank 5 if possible then you can drop that wolverine with a 280 hit combo at most. Maybe better pending heal blocks and such. I don’t know about a r4 star lord.

    Guillotine is by far the better option and the it isnt based on luck. U can always get the level 2 iff and from that point its on you and your skill to be aggressive enough.

    And all the people talking about hitting heal blocks and quitting etc dont get the reasoning of using sl. And with 4/40 sl it can be done in around 600 combo. Will get it alot lower if u double up on boosts
  • SweatlipSweatlip Member Posts: 163
    Apologies for typos lol
  • GwendolineGwendoline Member Posts: 945 ★★★
    A SL that needs a combo above 400 is useless, since his sig ability caps out at that point.
  • IJsmutsIJsmuts Member Posts: 113
    Would it be possible with a 4/40 gwenpool (stops regen >50hits?) or 4/40 crossbones (stops regen > 5fury)? I can bring one of them to rank5 if needed. I tried with a rank 5 switch but failed. Almost 500 hits with a mutant crit team but the regen is crazy... took not even 100k health..
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,447 ★★★★★
    If your GP is dups then just have 50+. Then he never reg.
    IJsmuts wrote: »
    Would it be possible with a 4/40 gwenpool (stops regen >50hits?) or 4/40 crossbones (stops regen > 5fury)? I can bring one of them to rank5 if needed. I tried with a rank 5 switch but failed. Almost 500 hits with a mutant crit team but the regen is crazy... took not even 100k health..

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