Which 4* is worth awakening?

SpiderCoolsSpiderCools Member Posts: 615 ★★★
Its a Generic awakening gem. Also which is most helpful to become uncollected? Already have duped: SL, Blade, Sparky

Which 4* is worth awakening? 41 votes

Doctor Voodoo
Jets44SpeedbumpRikuremaSlappapowLt_Magnum_1D_Ace_71AKTEKHammerbro_64xananabananaJayProngsZsirhcZChampioncriticshadow_lurker22Reverend_RuckusDavidsimonRonin916th3_joseph 17 votes
Scarlet Witch
ArcDeAngelusAlfa_PigeonDarkZenSIlverProfessorRavenrob_33Ethans8279VerguldBahamutJacobmc006IBlueShiftINoob2435ShadPrinceRiderrjMidnightNinja99Fhfjghhggggjfhfjg 15 votes
Son_of_Odinidealcut 2 votes
Krustierink214 1 vote
Ghost Rider
taojay1RoyalPlasmaBankrollFresh69 3 votes
rxtrohit 1 vote
Luke Cage
Gowthamreddy 1 vote
Save for another champ (say which one)
Elitehunter 1 vote


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  • taojay1taojay1 Member Posts: 1,062 ★★★
    Ghost Rider
    Oops, I was thinking r5. gr will complete your trinity, but the generic gem should be spent on dv, sw, or wolvie. Since you already have blade, I would scratch wolvie and put it between sw and dv. Now it would depend on how many sig stones you have
  • SpiderCoolsSpiderCools Member Posts: 615 ★★★
    Kamala khan

    She’s too op. Even pros dont know how to use her full potential.
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    Doctor Voodoo
    Doctor voodoo NEEDS it but doesn't need high sig , scarlet witch needs it but NEEDS high sig. If prioritize voodoo from that list
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    Doctor voodoo NEEDS it but doesn't need high sig , scarlet witch needs it but NEEDS high sig. If prioritize voodoo from that list


  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    Doctor voodoo NEEDS it but doesn't need high sig , scarlet witch needs it but NEEDS high sig. If prioritize voodoo from that list


  • GowthamreddyGowthamreddy Member Posts: 37
    Luke Cage
    Luke when awakened gets indestructable so he is better
  • Lt_Magnum_1Lt_Magnum_1 Member Posts: 640 ★★
    Doctor Voodoo
    Voodoo because his regen makes him a great sustainable champ. He also has power control, nullify, and poison. He is by far the best choice.
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