So aggravating

In the past three or four months I have ranked up 3 cosmic champs just to use up cosmic T4cc that would expire. That’s 9 cosmic T4cc. Also been trying to get the stash lower because… Well... The odds of pulling a certain class is much higher if you already have a lot of that class (I don’t care what people say about RNG anymore) in that time I have accrued 2 science and mystic, 3 tech, 4 or 5 skill and 4 mutant
So I have accrued 10 or 11 cosmic just from fragments!!? I recently finished off act 5 Ultron And got 2 T4cc crystals that I had been holding for about a week worried that I would get another cosmic and I was currently maxed. Decided to screw it and just open Today... 2 freakin Cosmic! Come on!!
Really having a hard time believing random.
This isn’t a, “This game is screwing me” post. This is a, “give us back the option to sell cats”, post. I know you removed the option because people were “accidentally“ selling cats and you were getting tired of the tickets but I’d really like the option back. Letting them expire is a waste but I’d also like the option to lower my stash so the game stops giving me cosmic (even if this is irrational and just my imagination)
Just create a Settings section of the game allowing us to turn off/on:
-cat selling
-autofight button
- warning messages (you’re about to spend 10,000 BC, spend 5 units for duel...ect)
- i’m sure there are others…
So I have accrued 10 or 11 cosmic just from fragments!!? I recently finished off act 5 Ultron And got 2 T4cc crystals that I had been holding for about a week worried that I would get another cosmic and I was currently maxed. Decided to screw it and just open Today... 2 freakin Cosmic! Come on!!
Really having a hard time believing random.
This isn’t a, “This game is screwing me” post. This is a, “give us back the option to sell cats”, post. I know you removed the option because people were “accidentally“ selling cats and you were getting tired of the tickets but I’d really like the option back. Letting them expire is a waste but I’d also like the option to lower my stash so the game stops giving me cosmic (even if this is irrational and just my imagination)
Just create a Settings section of the game allowing us to turn off/on:
-cat selling
-autofight button
- warning messages (you’re about to spend 10,000 BC, spend 5 units for duel...ect)
- i’m sure there are others…
PS I guess I missed the millions of forum posts of players accidentally selling tier four back in the day. I really need to pay closer attention.