Breaking the banks (literally) Pt.1

So to recap:
1) Buy a 3* DP from store for the same amnt for star lord's loot bag
2) You need this to qualify for the 4* DP arena
3) Only those 200 winners gets a chance to obtain a gold member ticket
4) With gold member ticket, you get a chance to win a goldpool and an exclusive title. Goldpool can be obtained also via gold crystals but with UNKNOWN drop rates.
So basically.
1) It's really breaking the bank (wallet)
2) Chances of getting one are for high end players and big spenders in the game.
Nice game. Indeed. No wonder it took me 1 year and a half to wake up and smell reality. You pay, you play. Right?
Not necessarily 1200, could be the same top scorers who get deadpool every time
not sure tho, and don't care that much since this is impossible for me anyway
You have a chance at 200 spots every run. That all depends on how much you put up. If you learn the Cutoffs and are capable of pushing past that, you will get one. That's the same as any other Arena.
I'm not sure you are in the right thread because I have no idea who you are responding to.
I'm responding to the OP implying that it's only attainable for big spenders. Pretty sure that was clear.
The game is not pay to play.....
This is one feature... ONE FEATURE.... that is pay to play....
And frankly people who spend money should have access to something more....
Most RPGS have a premium feature. Pay a monthly fee and get access to more....
Most games have some kinda features/content available by purchase....
It is normal to entice people to spend and keep the game going....
It is only a problem when it is pay to win. And deadpool or goldpool are not that. Neither of them allow you to do any content you otherwise couldnt....
Yes i will buy 3* deadpool.... i may or may not try for 4* deadpool... i am upset i wont be anle to get a 5* deadpool... but unfortunately just as in life we cant and dont always get everything we want.
Well you added the words "it's not accurate to say it's just a money pit" so I got confused because the op never said those words.
Thanks for explaining arenas to me again. Wasn’t quite sure how they worked.
I'm sure you were, but you weren't acknowledging the fact that there is ample time and opportunity to have a shot at it if you have the Champs to put the Points up. Otherwise it's no more unfair than any other competition. I doubt the same 200 people will put up the Points 6 times in a row, out of spite. We don't know if it's a Basic Dup or regular, but either way, most people stop at the Dup. In any case, if you want the Champ, learn the Cutoff and put up more. That's how they work.
I was paraphrasing.
He is not gamebreaking contnet.....
People just want everything and will complain about everything....
People wanted deadpool arena....
They bought it back same as before but better... they added goldpool....
People complain..... i dont get it
Deadpool arena required a 3* deadpool before...
Miike said 6.
Thanks @Maat1985. I felt like I was missing something.
Thanks dude...