Merc Missions require alliance? Lame

So basically anyone who plays the game but doesn’t want to have to deal with the grind of being in an allincw is sool?
Nice Kabaam, thanks for nothing. Super duper lame.
Nice Kabaam, thanks for nothing. Super duper lame.
There are plenty of areas in the game that are for Solo Players, but we also take the time to make sure that we are continuously creating Content for Alliances as well. If you don't want to join an Alliance, you'll still have access to Assassin Assignments, as well as the Monthly Event Quest.
Point being, the content for solo folks is full and predictable,it doesn’t feature high end rewards, and its becoming a basic grind. There are a lot more of us solo players than you might think.
I see no reason why you couldn't just create an alliance and stick yourself in it, if you aren't going to do AQ or AW, just to open the door to things like this and the alliance points-based events like summoner advancement. You aren't going to get a lot of points or missions in this case, of course, but you'd still get some ability to participate.
Join an alliance if u gonna complain
I started an alliance just for access to alliance related rewards for regular gameplay.
No AQ/AW, no stupid forced spending, no one being told who to rank (well that's kinda not true, I advise on who is good and who stinks but it's never about defense or prestige) and not being annoyed about particular events in order to reach milestones. The only "rule" I have is save for SA and stop once we hit rank, other than that I couldn't care what anyone else is doing and I am always the highest contributor to events.
Obviously we are not gunning for season rewards and all the other stuff that others are into but I don't care as long as we get some free stuff throughout the month that solo guys are missing out on.
This event rates so low on my radar I honestly don't care if we do it or not, too much like a forced grind and it aint our style.
Perhaps you could consider joining a lazy alliance or finding a few likeminded individuals and creating one.
They know that in-game data shows that alliances hold players in the game longer. This is why they focus on them and put exclusive rewards in them to get you into one (from first hand experience your alliance, if you are good and responsible about tasks, will beg you to stay in the alliance and you feel terrible for leaving them... that is the type of environment that is great for retention of players).
Really just try and ignore that stuff if you want to play solo. Usually it is not worth a ton anyways... I have been solo for a few weeks now and I love the freedom of it but there is a slight cost for it.
Not all alliances are all about grind, there are actually many alliances out there that do want you to participate and contribute points, but they also recognize that people have lives outside the game. Honestly joining an alliance is better than going solo because the rewards are much better and you collect 4*s and 5*s faster. I don't usually have a lot of time to play, but I still do some participation and get alliance rewards because my alliance wants everyone to get rewards, but also knows that people have lives outside the game. If there is some reason you cannot participate, just tell the leader or an officer and they will excuse you.
You know that dungeons finished literally a few days ago right?
That’s just for solo players? I’m so sorry, I thought that was for everyone.
kinda misread your message, mybad.
If you mean Kabam should make content that solo players can participate in, the vast majority of content already does that. But if you mean Kabam should make rewards that *require* you to be solo to get, then no, that would be nonsensical.
I know. But I think they could have done that with the solo events though. To give solo players something extra, not to get the same end game rewards as aq and war give, but something to make them fall a little bit less behind by choosing to not be in an alliance.
We all know those selfish **** that should not be in alliance, not being capable of being a team player. They probably wouldn’t stay away from alliances and still selfishly try to get as much rewards for minimal effort, but some of them (some of the less selfish once) would pick being a complete solo player over low end alliances.
Personally for me there is one big plus to not being in an alliance and it’s to not have that stupid help button while grinding arena. I hate that help button with a fierce passion and I could go on about why forever. I won’t, but I love being between alliances and sometimes it’s actually worth the lack of other rewards for me. I do wish there would be stuff like completion and aren combat and duel skirmish for solo players. And no, I don’t mean the current solo events, I mean something that people in an alliance actually have no acces to. Just like being without an alliance have no acces to glory, loyalty, alliance events, merc missions, war, AQ, energy help, arena help and I might be forgetting a few of the perks here. But we all know that that whole list means lots of time to. I can do it on most days, but I can’t do that non stop for over 3 years. I don’t have to, but I did notice that, without an alliance, even when super active in the arena, growing is a lot harder and the game actually progresses faster then you do.
In all other games I played, alliances (or guilds or whatever, they go by many names) wasn’t game breaking. Game changing yes, but not game breaking. It gave high end material a lot easier, better gear, a funtion like raids or wars, but it was possible to stay near the top players without an alliance. In this game it’s just not even an option. Wanna be anywhere near the top, better be in a damn good alliance that doesn’t miss a beat. It’s not a game for solo players anymore.
I cant do team based events without a team.....
I have a 550k ratng account... 2 r4 5* champions 1 x 6* and have never once been in a high rating alliance... we are a low to middle of the road ally... and we progress along just fine.... top tier allies are better rewards bg a long way but not gamebreaking if u r not there. And also u gotta work harder to get em
It is worth noting that in my opinion there isn't really such a thing as a "solo player" at least not in a sense that game operators should recognize with special attention. There are activities that you can do solo, and there are activities that require multiple players. When I'm running story content, I'm essentially solo. When I'm in AQ, I'm playing cooperatively.
Solo rewards should be for players willing to participate in solo activities. Alliance rewards should be for players willing to participate in alliance activities. But I do not believe players should be explicitly rewarded for avoiding a segment of the game. We are all "solo players" when we do solo content. None of us should be penalized by getting less rewards for doing solo content just because we participate in another different part of the game.
That would be literally no different than giving players who skip the monthly event a chance at exclusive rewards. "Skips monthly" does not deserve any more special consideration than "skips alliance."
In every progressional multiplayer game I've played, which mostly comprises MMOs, not only were the best rewards reserved for multiplayer content, the quantity of those rewards were such that it was not really possible to compete with the very top players without participating. In games where the multiplayer content was accessible without being a member of a guild, it was possible to be a top player without being in a group. But you still had to play group-based activities. In MCOC, that simply requires being in an alliance, because there's no such thing as an open raid in MCOC. But that's a distinction without a resolvable difference in MCOC.
To be precise, this is not a game for people who want to play the game however they want but expect to be competitive with the players willing to do everything possible to get ahead. And it never was.
yes this maybe true but the point is you are asking for rewards for "not " being in an alliance???? you want the rewards associated with an alliance the join an alliance. you choose not to join an alliance you choose to forgo its benefits.
giving rewards to someone who is not in an alliance is just stupid down to its core. not only does it mean that people willing to join an alliance and actually do more will be missing out on rewards it may also encourage people to leave allies for small periods of time just to get different rewards that they may deem to be better for them thus encouraging alliance jumping and damaging many alliances
Alliance is an annoying grind usually I created an alliance for the solo purpose of free addition rewards for solo player no aq/aw so it’s play at your leisure have plenty of room if you want to look us up you’ll be able to participate in events like this
All the solo rewards are low level and should be adjusted a bit. Not expecting a 5* awakening or full t4c crystal, but something beside the low level shards would be nice. There is nothing to build towards through them. Just **** for item use, with a majority of them being arena boosts.
And if any solo-ish players don't mind doing map 2 and logging in 3 whole times over the course of a day's AQ for five fights at a shot (a whopping 8-12 minutes of time a pop), feel free to contact me in game or on line. It's all about try g to figure out the best way to get rewards for the minimal amount of time to play. Or playing the way you think is best to get the max rewards you want.