Domino, Dexterity, and Agility-working as intended?

Hey, y'all. Noticed a strange little change in the programming since we last met in our update. I first noticed it against Domino in a merc mission-when I was unlucky, not only did Dexterity not proc the precision it usually does, it outright failed. I was drilled in the face by her attack regardless of me trying to dodge it.
I thought little of it at the time-I'm not used to her moves and figured I messed up. But then I noticed it again against the Science Sentineloid. When I knocked it down and it procced an Agility debuff on me, it then launched a 2bar and I was completely unable to avoid it despite dodging back. This is different than it used to be, and utterly makes attacks impossible to deal with-when opponents have an attack so high blocking will kill you, we HAVE to rely on Dexterity. Take that away, and you're just chunking our champs. What'll happen in Act 6 when we run into champs that'll KO us in 5 blocked hits?
I haven't tested this on Void yet, but I imagine the same thing would happen.
So Kabam, I ask you as a gamer-is this working as intended, or is this a bug?
I thought little of it at the time-I'm not used to her moves and figured I messed up. But then I noticed it again against the Science Sentineloid. When I knocked it down and it procced an Agility debuff on me, it then launched a 2bar and I was completely unable to avoid it despite dodging back. This is different than it used to be, and utterly makes attacks impossible to deal with-when opponents have an attack so high blocking will kill you, we HAVE to rely on Dexterity. Take that away, and you're just chunking our champs. What'll happen in Act 6 when we run into champs that'll KO us in 5 blocked hits?
I haven't tested this on Void yet, but I imagine the same thing would happen.
So Kabam, I ask you as a gamer-is this working as intended, or is this a bug?
Right, but back before this update that meant the dex wouldn't proc precision, but we still avoided the attack. Now it's outright failing entirely.
Yes that's because It's literally in their ability descriptions that they cause dexterity to fail.
No what we're saying is that it is literally in their ability descriptions that they cause dexterity to fail.
Domino is the first and only character that literally says in their ability description that they cause dexterity to fail with 100% chance
I think you're just noticing it more with Domino becaus her's is 100% and the Science sentinel isn't
Well if it didn't it was definitely supposed to, because that's how it's worded.
But only if you are unlucky. This is happening vs tech champs (who are never unlucky) and at the start of the fight before she fills a bar of power.
And let's not forget she's breaking blocks, which is a bug from the Black Widow era rearing its ugly head again.
This was vs a 6* in an assassin assignment.