Old Champs Falling Behind

I have just recently saved up 15k 6* shards, and I was stoked to pop open the featured crystal. However, I was unfortunate enough to pull Iron Fist. And now he sits in my top 4 champs along with 6* DPX and has absolutely no use in this game. Why do these champs not see any updates to their abilities? We have characters like Domino who come out with ability guides as long as a car manual, but characters like Iron Fist and DPX have a few lines because they have absolutely NO abilities. Kabam has to stop releasing new champs and update all of the out of date content. No one in their right mind would ever use some of these old characters because they just straight up suck compared to the new characters that are being released. It makes no sense to put all of these old outdated champs in the 6* crystal and expect anyone to use them in the new content. The only thing that 6* Iron Fist and DPX can do for me is serve as diversity on war defense. Oh yeah, and because they suck so much they don't even get me kills. So I don't see why we shouldn't have the option to sell 6* because mine are a useless pile of garbage.
As much as I dislike that, I have to agree...they get money from new champs, and it’s not greedy (unless there is only 1 counter to that champ) because it’s just how to keep production running.
Yeah I hate to agree with this statement, but it is true and really unfortunate that this game has to be like that. I just despise seeing all these useless and out of date characters being put in the 6* crystal. It is such a let down to have a couple of 6* champs who will never be used outside of defender diversity.
I think people should be asking the obvious question of how you can literally create a trophy champion like Goldpool and give that creation new abilities while knowing that DPX is one of the weakest champions in the game and probably the single-worst unawakened
That has to be absolutely excruciating to people who have 6-star DPX
First was gambit, then Carnage.... can’t wait for them to screw up Mr Sinister and Doom.
People will pay for new champs regardless of older champs being useful or not. Look at how people flocked to Goldpool. He’s nothing special, just a shiny new toy. They will pay to get their favorite champs, to finish content like LoL and other areas of the game.
They could even add content thats not aimed at the Pay to win model. Things like Vanity costumes. I Believe that if kabam stopped making reskinned versions of the same champ (Magneto,DD, cap marvel etc) and updated the champs, and gave them changeable vanity costume options, people would be much happier to spend.
I’m sure heaps of people would love to dress their wolvie up as Weapon X, or be able to swap between the movie/tv show/alternate version of their favorite champs.
I also think regular updates to older champions would go a long way to making the community happy and content with this game.
How many people have left, retired, reduced their playtime in the last 6 months due to bugs, overpowered defenders and champion nerfs/bugs.
If kabam started listening to the community and made the game fun again, instead of being this endless grind that constantly disappoints, I think they will find a lot of older players will return and they will get a lot of newer players from positive word of mouth and the success of thinks like the movies/tv shows.
And they will stick around because they don’t live in fear of their time/money/effort investments being worthless in a months time.
I have long felt a truly significant portion of player dissatisfaction stems from not updating obviously weaker characters
Maybe the powers that be know this, maybe they don't. Maybe they know exactly how much it costs them to update vs. release new characters and don't think the investment is worth it
But I firmly believe that a robust program to revamp older/weaker characters would actually increase interest and make them more money, because people will try more difficult content if they have better characters to use -- I know some people who simply won't even try LOL because they don't have the roster
I think you hit on a good point here. The cost to benefit of actually updating old champs. In my mind though I see this as complete laziness. I also think @Cuteshelf has a good point. A lot of the old timers in the MCoC community would appreciate the updates to some of their favorite original champs. And it's possible that some of the people who have retired would want to come back and play with some of their favorite champs if they were updated to match newer content. Too bad this whole conversation will go unnoticed by Kabam.
That would be pretty cool, however, Star Lord is already a god tier champ and I'd much rather them focus on updating some of the trash champs in the 6* crystal that are currently unusable.
Drax is hardly useless. I am disappointed that they ‘fixed’ his ability to counter auto evade, but his damage and bleeds are insane and he’s pretty tanky too. His animations and fight style were really fluid.... my 4* got me through quite a lot of challenging content until I got some decent 5*.
Hopefully they revert the change though. It was a nice ability to have, and hardly OP.
make the game even better plz!
I agee with you completely. That is really what I want to see happen, updates to all of the old out of date content. For instance, Domino's bleed is so much stronger than DPX's and yet that was the only thing DPX had going for him, and now we have this champ that can bleed and do about a million other things which makes DPX completely worthless. There is nothing unique about him and no reason why I should play him or even want him. But guess who's in the 6* crystal? Our worthless friend DPX.
If they manage to screw up Dr Doom, that's when I quit. He is the more epic villain IMO and he can fit in more than one class
LOL forgot that dude existed in this game. Why is he soo trash?