Old Champs Falling Behind

WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
I have just recently saved up 15k 6* shards, and I was stoked to pop open the featured crystal. However, I was unfortunate enough to pull Iron Fist. And now he sits in my top 4 champs along with 6* DPX and has absolutely no use in this game. Why do these champs not see any updates to their abilities? We have characters like Domino who come out with ability guides as long as a car manual, but characters like Iron Fist and DPX have a few lines because they have absolutely NO abilities. Kabam has to stop releasing new champs and update all of the out of date content. No one in their right mind would ever use some of these old characters because they just straight up suck compared to the new characters that are being released. It makes no sense to put all of these old outdated champs in the 6* crystal and expect anyone to use them in the new content. The only thing that 6* Iron Fist and DPX can do for me is serve as diversity on war defense. Oh yeah, and because they suck so much they don't even get me kills. So I don't see why we shouldn't have the option to sell 6* because mine are a useless pile of garbage.


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  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    That’s just the way it is. Every once in a while we’ll get updates to existing characters like Luke Cage and Red Hulk but don’t expect that often. Honestly what benefit is it to Kabam to buff old characters? Even if they put these existing characters on arena re-run, most people already have them and won’t spend much to get them. The bulk of revenue comes from brand new characters being released into the game. So it would make sense for Kabam to keep releasing more powerful and powerful characters over time to keep people spending and incentivized. That’s the structure of any F2P game.

    As much as I dislike that, I have to agree...they get money from new champs, and it’s not greedy (unless there is only 1 counter to that champ) because it’s just how to keep production running.
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  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    That’s just the way it is. Every once in a while we’ll get updates to existing characters like Luke Cage and Red Hulk but don’t expect that often. Honestly what benefit is it to Kabam to buff old characters? Even if they put these existing characters on arena re-run, most people already have them and won’t spend much to get them. The bulk of revenue comes from brand new characters being released into the game. So it would make sense for Kabam to keep releasing more powerful and powerful characters over time to keep people spending and incentivized. That’s the structure of any F2P game.

    Yeah I hate to agree with this statement, but it is true and really unfortunate that this game has to be like that. I just despise seeing all these useless and out of date characters being put in the 6* crystal. It is such a let down to have a couple of 6* champs who will never be used outside of defender diversity.
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  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    It’s been far too long since Rulk and Luke Cage beta buffs, as much as I want to see mystic dispersion and dexterity adressed I think we need more champion buffs. Even if it’s not a beta, kabam have shown they can buff champs outside beta with sentry. Just make some of the worst champs in the game useable in higher content. Why would I take a 6* deadpool x force when I can take a 4* Blade, Medusa or archangel?
  • Nabz034Nabz034 Member Posts: 221 ★★
    Gamora, Gamora, Gamora, Gamora! Please buff Gamora!!! She sucks 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️
  • KennadoKennado Member Posts: 1,014 ★★★
    A Youtube commentator named Kamran brought this up during Cade's Lab run live stream last night and I thought it was a great idea. I for one, would love to see updates to our favs from yesteryear to keep up with the current meta. Kam brought up an idea for a update to Starlord that would rival Winter Soldier in that you could choose what element to use for Starlord's element gun. Something as small as that would bring Starlord up to speed with today.
  • edited June 2018
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  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Kennado wrote: »
    A Youtube commentator named Kamran brought this up during Cade's Lab run live stream last night and I thought it was a great idea. I for one, would love to see updates to our favs from yesteryear to keep up with the current meta. Kam brought up an idea for a update to Starlord that would rival Winter Soldier in that you could choose what element to use for Starlord's element gun. Something as small as that would bring Starlord up to speed with today.

    That would be pretty cool, however, Star Lord is already a god tier champ and I'd much rather them focus on updating some of the trash champs in the 6* crystal that are currently unusable.
  • CuteshelfCuteshelf Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    Yep Kabam are constantly selling snake oil. They know that what they sell you today makes everything they sold yesterday useless and in turn will be made useless by what they sell tomorrow. That’s how they get away with repeatedly selling people the same old **** and ensuring people need to buy it.

    Sad thing is that they don’t sell resource transfer tickets. That means the guy who clears content and spends his T2a now will forever be behind the guy who does it later and levels up a newer better champ instead. The first guy can’t simply do act 5 all over again to get another huge bundle of T2a.

    PS: Rest in piece my rank 4 5* Drax who I used an awakening gem on just last Tuesday. Now the oldest most useless champ in the game outside of maybe Carnage and Hulkbuster.

    Drax is hardly useless. I am disappointed that they ‘fixed’ his ability to counter auto evade, but his damage and bleeds are insane and he’s pretty tanky too. His animations and fight style were really fluid.... my 4* got me through quite a lot of challenging content until I got some decent 5*.

    Hopefully they revert the change though. It was a nice ability to have, and hardly OP.
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    Cuteshelf wrote: »
    People will pay for new champs regardless of older champs being useful or not. Look at how people flocked to Goldpool. He’s nothing special, just a shiny new toy. They will pay to get their favorite champs, to finish content like LoL and other areas of the game.
    People will pay because people are vane. People want to distinguish themselves from others. Pure functionally, nobody in their right mind would spend like 1000 units on a golden Deadpool when you can spend it on getting far better champions. Game companies do this all the time: release something for a limited time, knowing people will flock to it. Same thing with the event quests: people want to get the new titles to signal how good they are.

  • Blitzkilla420Blitzkilla420 Member Posts: 561 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike said they can adjustment champs quickly like they did sentry so my question in a constructive manner is why dont they? they release these broken OP champs without testing and its proven since we always post bugs and glitches they pull off against the human players so why not just add a few easy adjustments to old champs?

    make the game even better plz!
  • Mitchell35Mitchell35 Member Posts: 1,897 ★★★★
    It’s called power creep. If starlord is still the undisputed best in the game..... who’s going to grind for domino or IWIM or any other new god tier champs. If no one thought that new champs were better than the ones they have, the game doesn’t move forward. Only way to fix it is to recycle and buff like luke cage. So that’s my thoughts.
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Mitchell35 wrote: »
    It’s called power creep. If starlord is still the undisputed best in the game..... who’s going to grind for domino or IWIM or any other new god tier champs. If no one thought that new champs were better than the ones they have, the game doesn’t move forward. Only way to fix it is to recycle and buff like luke cage. So that’s my thoughts.

    I agee with you completely. That is really what I want to see happen, updates to all of the old out of date content. For instance, Domino's bleed is so much stronger than DPX's and yet that was the only thing DPX had going for him, and now we have this champ that can bleed and do about a million other things which makes DPX completely worthless. There is nothing unique about him and no reason why I should play him or even want him. But guess who's in the 6* crystal? Our worthless friend DPX.
  • edited June 2018
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  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    Cuteshelf wrote: »
    People want to play their favorite champs. I’m constantly frustrated because every time they add my favorite champ to the game, it sucks.

    First was gambit, then Carnage.... can’t wait for them to screw up Mr Sinister and Doom.

    If they manage to screw up Dr Doom, that's when I quit. He is the more epic villain IMO and he can fit in more than one class
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  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★

    Epic villain like...Magneto?

    LOL forgot that dude existed in this game. Why is he soo trash?
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