Domino Critical Failure is activating for no reason (video)

I think this is a bug, not sure though. In this video I use hawkeye who has no buffs/debuffs outside of using his specials on the bleed. I did not parry or dexterity but for some reason I am still getting critical failures placed on me mid combo during a critical hit. Would a fellow summoner or mod please explain if this a bug? If not why is this happening?

Thanks but the lucky/unlucky is only suppossed to apply when 1 bar of power fills. Also in the first 5 hit combo the crit does proc when it triggers.
Thanks again for you comment but if you notice in the first 5 hit combo when the debuff triggers it was a critical hit, so critical hit isnt the reason. Plus when it critical hits become a ability?
Yes sure, but when the debuff occurred the hit was a critical hit
So are they saying that things like salve can trigger critical failure? Salve occurs like 2X every second.
Would you be able to tell me what quest this fight was in, the difficulty level of the quest, and what champions you had on your team at the time?
The team I was running was 5* Hawkeye, 4* CAIW, 5* Iceman, 5* Starlord, 6* Cable. It was during one of adventurer assignments master level domino was the boss w an armor up buff node.