Legend Run - Masacre and the Mercs

Hello! Anyone know what’s the rough estimates for this month for Legends run? I was thinking of aiming for 3 hr 45mins. Will I get it?
Will be using Stark but only rank 4. Plus boosts and synergy of course.
ThNks !
Will be using Stark but only rank 4. Plus boosts and synergy of course.
ThNks !
Anyone got any guestimates on timing?
And is suicides a must have for legend run?
Rank5 dont need suvside but it wuld make it so much faster
I would like to know too. That’s incredible!
Sounds wow. I just need to get me a Corvus
Yes, it's absolutely possible. Ideal champs for a legends run are rank 5 (5*) Gwenpool, Blade, or Sparky. Magik can do it, SL can do it, Corvus can (I think), IF can do it, etc.
At this point, to make it? Suicides ARE a must.
Carena what phone u use? And champ use?
He use iPhone X . Team : Blade 5/65 , spidi stark , spidi , gr and i don‘t Know 🙈
Did he use suicide masteries ?
Idk who these guys are that keep hitting sub 3 hours, but that just sound impossible tbh
Some guys say infinity EQ was very Long.
I guess suicide rank champ
Attack boost . Health n Attack 30% Attack 30%
Fast load phone
I guess I would not attempt it now
Until I have a faster phone .
Doesn't matter cause you kill everything within 5 hits lol
That might have been me. I finished 1st in the chadwick/Tom event last month with a rank 4 5* Corvus glaive
But what about with max boosts,30%, on a iPhone 7? Is it doable? And most important ,how many refills are needed?