Another Possible Domino Bug? (video)

Please see video. This is a duel so no synergies. All I do in this video is hold block yet critical failure keeps triggering. Is this because the Stark has a 3% chance to evade that more that likely wouldnt trigger anyway? Is this how this is supposed to work? So everytime he doesnt evade a critical failure would trigger, even when blocking? If so that is just.....

I was going to say dumb/stupid/money grab/idiotic/game ruining etc.
Fixed that for you
Besides he biggest problem is not even domino and her abilities...
It is all the bugs she has.....
Triggering unlucky on a tech....
Making a buff fail but not triggering the crit failure....
Blah blah blah the list goes on
I am saying this and for all you guys saying get good.... i have no problem soloing her when she is 19000pi in merc missions....
It doesnt change the fact she is total next level bs and champs like this and autoblock is wat is driving people away from the game