However he can only ignore the AAR-immunity of dimensional beings
Danger sense includes AAR.
Danger sense only applies to Dimensional Beings.
Danger sense ignores Dimensional beings immunities.
GR synergy extends Danger Sense and all its capabilities to all Villians
Meph/Dormammu extend Danger Sense to all Mystics.
What Mike is saying is that only the attack rating is extended. Anything else is a bug.
We are calling BS on this. Especially since it is most pronounced against Mordo, and in light of the fact that now Mordo isn't also suspectable to Drax's double hit medium. And in light of changes to AA, IM, SIM it seems like there's more that was done then has been disclosed.
Danger Sense has 3 abilities
Attack rating increase
AAR 40%
And the ability to ignore AAR on dimensional beings
Now it’s very possibly that extending the Synergies also extends the stipulation of only ignoring Dimensional Beings AAR-Immunity as it specifically says it ignores AAR-I from dimensional beings
I’m not trying to defend Kabam… in fact I plan to start a new wave of demanding buffs to older champs as older gods were nerfed while new ones were added basically revitalizing the communities interest in making new god-SLAYERS instead of just constantly making and killing gods
However he can only ignore the AAR-immunity of dimensional beings
Danger sense includes AAR.
Danger sense only applies to Dimensional Beings.
Danger sense ignores Dimensional beings immunities.
GR synergy extends Danger Sense and all its capabilities to all Villians
Meph/Dormammu extend Danger Sense to all Mystics.
What Mike is saying is that only the attack rating is extended. Anything else is a bug.
We are calling BS on this. Especially since it is most pronounced against Mordo, and in light of the fact that now Mordo isn't also suspectable to Drax's double hit medium. And in light of changes to AA, IM, SIM it seems like there's more that was done then has been disclosed.
Basically Yes, Only the Attack Rating is extended against Mordo. Which IMO is not a big deal because He is the only #Mystic #Villain champ in the game with Immunity to Ability Accuracy Reduction for now.
However he can only ignore the AAR-immunity of dimensional beings
Danger sense includes AAR.
Danger sense only applies to Dimensional Beings.
Danger sense ignores Dimensional beings immunities.
GR synergy extends Danger Sense and all its capabilities to all Villians
Meph/Dormammu extend Danger Sense to all Mystics.
What Mike is saying is that only the attack rating is extended. Anything else is a bug.
We are calling BS on this. Especially since it is most pronounced against Mordo, and in light of the fact that now Mordo isn't also suspectable to Drax's double hit medium. And in light of changes to AA, IM, SIM it seems like there's more that was done then has been disclosed.
Basically Yes, Only the Attack Rating is extended against Mordo. Which IMO is not a big deal because He is the only #Mystic #Villain champ in the game with Immunity to Ability Accuracy Reduction for now.
Being immune to AAR is irrelevant since only attack rating is extended. Which is not how it is described, and certainly not how it had been working.
Either all 3 extend through synergies or none of them should since they are the bonuses of danger sense.
It is how it is written in the description, how it was confirmed previously as how it is supposed to work.
Saying that one thing, ignoring immunities, does not extend is rewriting Blades abilities and also going against what was previously confirmed to be working as intended. In other words a significant reduction in blades abilities.
Danger Sense has 3 abilities
Attack rating increase
AAR 40%
And the ability to ignore AAR on dimensional beings
Now it’s very possibly that extending the Synergies also extends the stipulation of only ignoring Dimensional Beings AAR-Immunity as it specifically says it ignores AAR-I from dimensional beings
I’m not trying to defend Kabam… in fact I plan to start a new wave of demanding buffs to older champs as older gods were nerfed while new ones were added basically revitalizing the communities interest in making new god-SLAYERS instead of just constantly making and killing gods
I read that the "ability to ignore AAR on dimensional beings" specifically says "dimensional" because without synergies and by himself, that is the only champs he can use DS. A champs description would not usually state his synergies, just what the champ can do by himself.
Danger Sense has 3 abilities
Attack rating increase
AAR 40%
And the ability to ignore AAR on dimensional beings
Now it’s very possibly that extending the Synergies also extends the stipulation of only ignoring Dimensional Beings AAR-Immunity as it specifically says it ignores AAR-I from dimensional beings
I’m not trying to defend Kabam… in fact I plan to start a new wave of demanding buffs to older champs as older gods were nerfed while new ones were added basically revitalizing the communities interest in making new god-SLAYERS instead of just constantly making and killing gods
Here's my take on that...
When against Dimensional Beings, Danger Sense activates and grants Blade 1053.6 Attack Rating while also reducing the opponent’s Ability Accuracy by 40%. This Ability Accuracy reduction ignores Dimensional Beings’ Immunities.
The very beginning of the description of Blade's passive ability states quite clearly it only applies to Dimensional Beings.
It states that abilities are part of Danger Sense - Attack Rating Increase and Ability Accuracy Reduction. It goes on to state that the accuracy reduction ignores Dimensional Beings Immunities.
Therefore, when Danger Sense is extended by Synergies, everything is extended. Attack Rating, AAR, and ignoring Immunities to AAR since all 3 are part of Danger Sense.
It doesn't matter if it's villains through the GR synergy, or mystic through Meph/Dorm synergy, the bonuses are extended to anyone with those tags/class.
That's how it has worked before the latest release, that's how it's been, Going back now and saying it doesn't ignore AAR immunity as part of the synergy is rewriting the synergy and a significant change in Blade.
My guess is that they didn't change anything with Drax or with Blade. What changed was Mordo's Astral Evade. And to be honest, the problem was most likely that there were ways around his Astral Evade that were't intended, such as Drax's dash attack or Archangel's heavy attack. I mean, to the letter of the description of Mordo's Astral Evade, those really shouldn't be hitting him. What I don't understand is the Blade interaction. My guess is it was an unintended side-effect of them fixing Astral Evade.
Hey guys, OP from the other thread here. The conclusions to be drawn from Miike's response to my previous thread are as follows:
1) Danger sense bonuses include only the attack bonus and ability accuracy reduction
2) Bypassing Dimensional Beings' aar immunity is not a bonus of danger sense, it is a separate ability entirely that Blade has passively
3) The text in Blade's abilities will be adjusted in an upcoming update to make this more clear
You can go back and look at my own comments and see how I fought hard over the semantics of this and how by all logic Mordo's aar immunity should have been ignored, I'm on your guys "side", not Kabam's, I'm just relaying what I was told in my own thread.
I was not happy with this outcome, because there are implications that this hold for future villain and mystic champions regarding Blade's danger sense, but ultimately it's their game and they make the rules and final decisions. HOWEVER we still have a voice in the matter. I'm not gonna throw around the b word, or the w word, or even the m word, but we all know that there is a way to make Kabam listen to our voices.
Hey guys, OP from the other thread here. The conclusions to be drawn from Miike's response to my previous thread are as follows:
1) Danger sense bonuses include only the attack bonus and ability accuracy reduction
2) Bypassing Dimensional Beings' aar immunity is not a bonus of danger sense, it is a separate ability entirely that Blade has passively
3) The text in Blade's abilities will be adjusted in an upcoming update to make this more clear
You can go back and look at my own comments and see how I fought hard over the semantics of this and how by all logic Mordo's aar immunity should have been ignored, I'm on your guys "side", not Kabam's, I'm just relaying what I was told in my own thread.
I was not happy with this outcome, because there are implications that this hold for future villain and mystic champions regarding Blade's danger sense, but ultimately it's their game and they make the rules and final decisions. HOWEVER we still have a voice in the matter. I'm not gonna throw around the b word, or the w word, or even the m word, but we all know that there is a way to make Kabam listen to our voices.
You are right, in the end the game is theirs.
Not only did they change how blade is working, but now going to change the description to match their change to justify what we are seeing.
This absolutely kills any motivation to continue to grow in the game or to rank up champs because a little bit down the line a random change now alters a champ you have put time and.or money into.
That's not how you keep a game thriving and growing and a strong motivated community growing around it.
At this point, the least Kabam can do is be honest with us that there have been changes. Blade is one of the (if not THE) most wanted champ post-12.0 and there are hundreds of videos about him. About his abilities, his specials, and most especially his synergies
Insisting that there have been no changes, that how he is now was how he had always been, is simply nothing but a lie
It makes one wonder if more champs had been altered in 18.1
I guarantee you it's not a lie. Most likely, as I said before, the change was actually to Mordo's Astral Evade and the Blade interaction was an unintentional side effect. I mean, it still works when you use the Dorm/Meph synergy, so it's not like the functionality is totally broke. Your problem is you're asking if they changed Blade. If the change was to Mordo, they can 100% truthfully look you in the eye and say no, they didn't change anything because you're asking the context of Blade (or Drax etc.)
Something overlapped somewhere it shouldn't have, happens all the time in complex coding.
And is not only transparency @Beholder_V is the treatment at us, like if they were doing us a favor, their total disregard and then if it is all too much complain a couple of shards to compensate, afterwards they repeat the behavior, btw in the other post were some pics of how mordo was change from 90% to total immune
I guarantee you it's not a lie. Most likely, as I said before, the change was actually to Mordo's Astral Evade and the Blade interaction was an unintentional side effect. I mean, it still works when you use the Dorm/Meph synergy, so it's not like the functionality is totally broke. Your problem is you're asking if they changed Blade. If the change was to Mordo, they can 100% truthfully look you in the eye and say no, they didn't change anything because you're asking the context of Blade (or Drax etc.)
Something overlapped somewhere it shouldn't have, happens all the time in complex coding.
Well if we go with the company line of an enhancement to frame rate, it means that there's possible more frames (and as a result more time) to allow evades to happen.
Insisting that there have been no changes, that how he is now was how he had always been, is simply nothing but a lie
This is the point. They are insisting that nothing changed and the champ in question is working the way he used to. Video proofs posted by players should've already shown that it's not true, to insist otherwise is to lie
I am aware of the complexities of coding, I do it every day. A line change can have unseen repercussions. Accidents happen, mistakes happen. However, they should be acknowledged
Blade has 40% of aar (58% if Spark is in the team). That means Mordo's Astral Evade has 60% (or 42% if Spark is in the team) chance to trigger every time. Magneto has the same 40% aar when oponents are magnetized and I was told 40% is not reliable.
Blade has 40% of aar (58% if Spark is in the team). That means Mordo's Astral Evade has 60% (or 42% if Spark is in the team) chance to trigger every time. Magneto has the same 40% aar when oponents are magnetized and I was told 40% is not reliable.
Maybe it is all really working as intended.
Its 85% with starky, still no one has report tht he bypass it with gr once, but multiple confirm that you bypass it with meph/dorm
It's because of Mordo. Not because Blade isn't working.
•Mordo's astral from grants him immunity to passive Ability Accuracy reduction effects.
•Every 8 seconds, Mordo gets one bar of Power over 5 seconds. While the Power Gain is active, opponents can interrupt it by landing a hit on Mordo.
So even if Blade is synced up with Sparky, Mephisto, and GR, Mordo would still ignore the AAR, but Blade would still get the attack rating. I'm still not sure what they mean by "This Ability Accuracy reduction ignores Dimensional Beings' Immunities" though. You can't make Dorm bleed (which he is immune to). Unless they are specifically talking about ignoring Mordo's passive ability accuracy immunity which would make this whole post pointless lol.
It's because of Mordo. Not because Blade isn't working.
•Mordo's astral from grants him immunity to passive Ability Accuracy reduction effects.
•Every 8 seconds, Mordo gets one bar of Power over 5 seconds. While the Power Gain is active, opponents can interrupt it by landing a hit on Mordo.
So even if Blade is synced up with Sparky, Mephisto, and GR, Mordo would still ignore the AAR, but Blade would still get the attack rating. I'm still not sure what they mean by "This Ability Accuracy reduction ignores Dimensional Beings' Immunities" though. You can't make Dorm bleed (which he is immune to). Unless they are specifically talking about ignoring Mordo's passive ability accuracy immunity which would make this whole post pointless lol.
That is what it does, ignores aar immunities for dimensional beings, but when paired w/dorm/meph extends danger sense to mystics(being this the one working against mordo) but fails to w/gr
Blade has 40% of aar (58% if Spark is in the team). That means Mordo's Astral Evade has 60% (or 42% if Spark is in the team) chance to trigger every time. Magneto has the same 40% aar when oponents are magnetized and I was told 40% is not reliable.
Maybe it is all really working as intended.
Its 85% with starky, still no one has report tht he bypass it with gr once, but multiple confirm that you bypass it with meph/dorm
Is it really 85%? Are you sure?
But even it is 85%, there are 15% chance to trigger every time. Wolverine has 8% chance to trigger regeneration and we see it happening all the time. Unless someone has 100% aar, it is hard to tell if it is working or not.
The Drax "working as intended" is patently false. Conveniently, when Kabam switched the forums over to the current style they purged previous content including a post from November 2016 where Drax's double hit as a Mordo counter was acknowledged as valid.
Kabam, you might as well make rank down a permanent option and not just a ticket based system if you're going to keep doing this.
Danger sense includes AAR.
Danger sense only applies to Dimensional Beings.
Danger sense ignores Dimensional beings immunities.
GR synergy extends Danger Sense and all its capabilities to all Villians
Meph/Dormammu extend Danger Sense to all Mystics.
What Mike is saying is that only the attack rating is extended. Anything else is a bug.
We are calling BS on this. Especially since it is most pronounced against Mordo, and in light of the fact that now Mordo isn't also suspectable to Drax's double hit medium. And in light of changes to AA, IM, SIM it seems like there's more that was done then has been disclosed.
Danger Sense has 3 abilities
Attack rating increase
AAR 40%
And the ability to ignore AAR on dimensional beings
Now it’s very possibly that extending the Synergies also extends the stipulation of only ignoring Dimensional Beings AAR-Immunity as it specifically says it ignores AAR-I from dimensional beings
I’m not trying to defend Kabam… in fact I plan to start a new wave of demanding buffs to older champs as older gods were nerfed while new ones were added basically revitalizing the communities interest in making new god-SLAYERS instead of just constantly making and killing gods
Basically Yes, Only the Attack Rating is extended against Mordo. Which IMO is not a big deal because He is the only #Mystic #Villain champ in the game with Immunity to Ability Accuracy Reduction for now.
Being immune to AAR is irrelevant since only attack rating is extended. Which is not how it is described, and certainly not how it had been working.
Either all 3 extend through synergies or none of them should since they are the bonuses of danger sense.
It is how it is written in the description, how it was confirmed previously as how it is supposed to work.
Saying that one thing, ignoring immunities, does not extend is rewriting Blades abilities and also going against what was previously confirmed to be working as intended. In other words a significant reduction in blades abilities.
I read that the "ability to ignore AAR on dimensional beings" specifically says "dimensional" because without synergies and by himself, that is the only champs he can use DS. A champs description would not usually state his synergies, just what the champ can do by himself.
Here's my take on that...
When against Dimensional Beings, Danger Sense activates and grants Blade 1053.6 Attack Rating while also reducing the opponent’s Ability Accuracy by 40%. This Ability Accuracy reduction ignores Dimensional Beings’ Immunities.
The very beginning of the description of Blade's passive ability states quite clearly it only applies to Dimensional Beings.
It states that abilities are part of Danger Sense - Attack Rating Increase and Ability Accuracy Reduction. It goes on to state that the accuracy reduction ignores Dimensional Beings Immunities.
Therefore, when Danger Sense is extended by Synergies, everything is extended. Attack Rating, AAR, and ignoring Immunities to AAR since all 3 are part of Danger Sense.
It doesn't matter if it's villains through the GR synergy, or mystic through Meph/Dorm synergy, the bonuses are extended to anyone with those tags/class.
That's how it has worked before the latest release, that's how it's been, Going back now and saying it doesn't ignore AAR immunity as part of the synergy is rewriting the synergy and a significant change in Blade.
1) Danger sense bonuses include only the attack bonus and ability accuracy reduction
2) Bypassing Dimensional Beings' aar immunity is not a bonus of danger sense, it is a separate ability entirely that Blade has passively
3) The text in Blade's abilities will be adjusted in an upcoming update to make this more clear
You can go back and look at my own comments and see how I fought hard over the semantics of this and how by all logic Mordo's aar immunity should have been ignored, I'm on your guys "side", not Kabam's, I'm just relaying what I was told in my own thread.
I was not happy with this outcome, because there are implications that this hold for future villain and mystic champions regarding Blade's danger sense, but ultimately it's their game and they make the rules and final decisions. HOWEVER we still have a voice in the matter. I'm not gonna throw around the b word, or the w word, or even the m word, but we all know that there is a way to make Kabam listen to our voices.
You are right, in the end the game is theirs.
Not only did they change how blade is working, but now going to change the description to match their change to justify what we are seeing.
This absolutely kills any motivation to continue to grow in the game or to rank up champs because a little bit down the line a random change now alters a champ you have put time and.or money into.
That's not how you keep a game thriving and growing and a strong motivated community growing around it.
Insisting that there have been no changes, that how he is now was how he had always been, is simply nothing but a lie
It makes one wonder if more champs had been altered in 18.1
Something overlapped somewhere it shouldn't have, happens all the time in complex coding.
Well if we go with the company line of an enhancement to frame rate, it means that there's possible more frames (and as a result more time) to allow evades to happen.
This is the point. They are insisting that nothing changed and the champ in question is working the way he used to. Video proofs posted by players should've already shown that it's not true, to insist otherwise is to lie
I am aware of the complexities of coding, I do it every day. A line change can have unseen repercussions. Accidents happen, mistakes happen. However, they should be acknowledged
Drax now magically translates back. But don't worry, it's framerate and all is working as intended.
Blade has 40% of aar (58% if Spark is in the team). That means Mordo's Astral Evade has 60% (or 42% if Spark is in the team) chance to trigger every time. Magneto has the same 40% aar when oponents are magnetized and I was told 40% is not reliable.
Maybe it is all really working as intended.
Its 85% with starky, still no one has report tht he bypass it with gr once, but multiple confirm that you bypass it with meph/dorm
•Mordo's astral from grants him immunity to passive Ability Accuracy reduction effects.
•Every 8 seconds, Mordo gets one bar of Power over 5 seconds. While the Power Gain is active, opponents can interrupt it by landing a hit on Mordo.
So even if Blade is synced up with Sparky, Mephisto, and GR, Mordo would still ignore the AAR, but Blade would still get the attack rating. I'm still not sure what they mean by "This Ability Accuracy reduction ignores Dimensional Beings' Immunities" though. You can't make Dorm bleed (which he is immune to). Unless they are specifically talking about ignoring Mordo's passive ability accuracy immunity which would make this whole post pointless lol.
That is what it does, ignores aar immunities for dimensional beings, but when paired w/dorm/meph extends danger sense to mystics(being this the one working against mordo) but fails to w/gr
Is it really 85%? Are you sure?
But even it is 85%, there are 15% chance to trigger every time. Wolverine has 8% chance to trigger regeneration and we see it happening all the time. Unless someone has 100% aar, it is hard to tell if it is working or not.
Kabam, you might as well make rank down a permanent option and not just a ticket based system if you're going to keep doing this.