Blade's Denger Sense Is A Joke now

After we used all our resources to bring this guy to his max potentiel i'm very ashamed of him .. Blade was cool and i'm 100% sure he is nerfed now .. i've seeing multiple discussion about it wasn't sure of it .. i was but i just kept hoping it was wrong and kabam stopped her nerfing but no :
VS morningstar = Denger sense does not counter her bleeding .. she triggers it every time
VS mordo = no ability reduction ( power gain ) ( astral evdae ) everytime
Vs dormamu = degen in every dexterity buff ( specially at war boss )
vs magik = limbos even when baiting sp1 only
vs Rhino = every dash is unstoppable + umblockable triggers like normal champ ( women size:s)
vs void = nothing he only adds attaque
vs mephisto = Aura triggers more often ( luckily he still inhabites the regen sometimes )
vs abomin = dont wanna talk about it used blade on him in lol he took +1000 units from me till he
canceled the poison
vs electro = again i used blade on him in lol when he just entered the contest he was very very handful
now electro shocks him like normal champs + not mentioning his a skill so the damage
must be low
vs king groot = heal everytime in healing phase
vs juggernaut = his delaying his unstoppable buff now and when you start hitting him he triggers it
sometimes after doing specials with 0.5 sec delay
ultrons = no heal no evade cancel anymore
if someone can prove me wrong i'm happpy to hear you ..
VS morningstar = Denger sense does not counter her bleeding .. she triggers it every time
VS mordo = no ability reduction ( power gain ) ( astral evdae ) everytime
Vs dormamu = degen in every dexterity buff ( specially at war boss )
vs magik = limbos even when baiting sp1 only
vs Rhino = every dash is unstoppable + umblockable triggers like normal champ ( women size:s)
vs void = nothing he only adds attaque
vs mephisto = Aura triggers more often ( luckily he still inhabites the regen sometimes )
vs abomin = dont wanna talk about it used blade on him in lol he took +1000 units from me till he
canceled the poison
vs electro = again i used blade on him in lol when he just entered the contest he was very very handful
now electro shocks him like normal champs + not mentioning his a skill so the damage
must be low
vs king groot = heal everytime in healing phase
vs juggernaut = his delaying his unstoppable buff now and when you start hitting him he triggers it
sometimes after doing specials with 0.5 sec delay
ultrons = no heal no evade cancel anymore
if someone can prove me wrong i'm happpy to hear you ..
You are clearly not using him correctly. He doesnt stop any abilities.
With no synergies he has a 40% ability reduction to dimensional beings.
With GR/Dorm that extends to villains.
With Mehpisto that extends to Mystics.
With Stark Spidey its increased to 58%.
Bleed, poison and limbo debuff duration is based on stored power. At 3 bars of power, he can reduce their duration by 95%.
Before calling nerf, do your homework. Nothing wrong with Blade.
Don't know about mordo, since blade ignores his immunity (as long as he has synergy with ghost rideror dormammu)
Lol, please double check your “homework” before telling others to do so.
@NevvB Please tell me what information is wrong then? Go ahead. I'll wait. Only thing i can I see is it might be Dorm/Mephisto for mystics.
Sure —
GR synergy is for villains. Dorm/Meph extends danger sense to mystics.
Bleed/poison is based on stored power. Limbo is not. Limbo is passive and will have the 58% chance to nottrigger. If limbo does trigger, there is also a 58% chance for limbo to not do damage.
No. Limbo/Dorms degen when triggered will shorten based on power as well. All the above abilities have a chance not to trigger with the proper synergies. Ive seen it happen with my blade. I will conceede that i put dorm in the wrong synergy. Passive debuffs are still counted.
Sorry. You're wrong.
I have a 5/65 duped blade and have had him since he came out. I have tested it and seen it happen.
lmao are you kidding me mate ? do you think i'm stupid lool i'm speaking of his denger sense with ghost and mephisto/dormamu
+ limbo isn't a debuff mate
I have a 5/65 blade also and have tested it against bosses also. Dorm’s degen and Magik’s limbo are both passive debuffs so they dont get reduced.
no description of the synergy says denger sense expands ( the same denger sense ) who was against dimensional beings now expands to vilain ( same one ) anyway i'm not here to talk about this as you guys don't khnow what i'm talking about maybe you are new to him i have him since he gotten in the contest ( he was removing astral evade and mordo power gain until they nerfed him )
your defenders are already worthless being a blade doing or another one you can't defend with the same defenders all your life .. that's somehow not smart to say
lool man who do u take me too a level 20 summoner ? you're right about the dex thing
there is no such thing as passive debuffs.
Magik limbo is an offensive and defensive ability (using specials and by filling a bar of power). The chance to trigger limbo is reduced by danger sense
Sorry, I should clarify. The chance of limbo and degeneration will get reduced by danger sense. Once the ability triggers, the degeneration and limbo damage will not.
thanks mate always write it denger haha okey danger
This is probably just bad luck with rng