Very disappointed with Summoner Appreciation (endgame player)
Hi everyone. First I'd like to start off with why Summoner Appreciation is here in the first place, in case some have forgotten:
For a few months not too long ago, we were experiencing a lot of bugs within the game, one of the worst being the double evade glitch. This glitch cost many of us endgame players a lot of units and real money to those who spend. The worst situation I personally experienced was being in the middle of Labyrinth of Legends when the double evade bug started to occur. I spent over 1000 units to beat Ex Venom which is insane. Anyway moving on...
What do you think of when you hear the word "Appreciation?" To show someone your appreciation, you generally give them something. Every single thing they have done for us as far as Summoner Appreciation we have had to work for, spend a lot of time on, and many have spent units on energy refills to be able to explore some of the Halls quests. The Gold Realm and Halls of Healing were nice, but to make us work for it after having a severely bugged game for months?
This week we finally have something that Kabam is giving us that we don't have to work for: Daily login rewards for a week. I have to admit that I was desperately waiting to see what the login rewards would be. I finally had faith in Kabam that they would do us right and give us something good for having to endure with a severely bugged game for so long. Despite my alliance disagreeing with me, I surely had faith in Kabam this time.
Well I was wrong. This week we will be getting a t4 basic catalyst and a t4 class catalyst crystal. For most endgame players, who were also the most affected by the bugs, those are terrible rewards. Me and several other alliance members have some t4 class catalysts maxed out and won't be opening our t4 class catalyst crystals anytime soon... And a t4 basic catalyst? Any endgame player can tell you that we get at least 4 t4 basic catalysts every week:
- 2 from the glory store
- 1 from the AQ ranked rewards
- 1 from the t4 basic arena
Can we at least get a 5* awakening gem for everything we have endured over the past several months? Even when the game was crippled we gave you a lot of money, still give you a lot of our money, help keep your business alive, make sure you have a paycheck to bring home to your families, and this is all we get? Rewards that aren't very useful to the top players that have given you most of the revenue you make from this game? Us endgame players were hit the hardest with the bugs, and we have barely gotten anything useful. This is absolutely absurd.
For a few months not too long ago, we were experiencing a lot of bugs within the game, one of the worst being the double evade glitch. This glitch cost many of us endgame players a lot of units and real money to those who spend. The worst situation I personally experienced was being in the middle of Labyrinth of Legends when the double evade bug started to occur. I spent over 1000 units to beat Ex Venom which is insane. Anyway moving on...
What do you think of when you hear the word "Appreciation?" To show someone your appreciation, you generally give them something. Every single thing they have done for us as far as Summoner Appreciation we have had to work for, spend a lot of time on, and many have spent units on energy refills to be able to explore some of the Halls quests. The Gold Realm and Halls of Healing were nice, but to make us work for it after having a severely bugged game for months?
This week we finally have something that Kabam is giving us that we don't have to work for: Daily login rewards for a week. I have to admit that I was desperately waiting to see what the login rewards would be. I finally had faith in Kabam that they would do us right and give us something good for having to endure with a severely bugged game for so long. Despite my alliance disagreeing with me, I surely had faith in Kabam this time.
Well I was wrong. This week we will be getting a t4 basic catalyst and a t4 class catalyst crystal. For most endgame players, who were also the most affected by the bugs, those are terrible rewards. Me and several other alliance members have some t4 class catalysts maxed out and won't be opening our t4 class catalyst crystals anytime soon... And a t4 basic catalyst? Any endgame player can tell you that we get at least 4 t4 basic catalysts every week:
- 2 from the glory store
- 1 from the AQ ranked rewards
- 1 from the t4 basic arena
Can we at least get a 5* awakening gem for everything we have endured over the past several months? Even when the game was crippled we gave you a lot of money, still give you a lot of our money, help keep your business alive, make sure you have a paycheck to bring home to your families, and this is all we get? Rewards that aren't very useful to the top players that have given you most of the revenue you make from this game? Us endgame players were hit the hardest with the bugs, and we have barely gotten anything useful. This is absolutely absurd.
They could possibly do what they did when they gave out the rank down tickets. They could give out 5* awakening gems to players that have over a 200k hero rating to help better weed out the top players from newer players to make it fair.
@DocStrange I can't agree more with you. While I would have loved a 5* awken gem, they will never release that as it gives to many people an opportunity to run LOL. And when you get one path done you get enough T2A to rank another 5*. T2A are the biggest blockade for any growth by non top-100 alliances. They know it. They don't even care to dangle a carrot anymore for experienced players. Take our champs, kill the regen, the ability to over come ungodly boosted nodes, add new nodes that kill you every 6 seconds and make people spend for bottom barrel rewards (see 5.2). It's a joke and fastly approaching the tipping point for most. I see a major shift allowing a lot of younger and newer players to replace the mid range players because they have just burnt every bridge they can. It's a bad joke and one that drives most of us to not spend. Hell 30 mates in my alliance won't even buy the unit deals on principal.
Wtf did you say? Think part of it was English-ish
Not your msg @DocStrange , your message was on point.
This has just been a way to look like they were doing something while really just letting time pass and hoping ppl were placated enough to forget the months of issues.
Thank you Kabam!
It's the classic marketing 101 scenario, the 80-20 rule. It doesn't matter how expensive or how bad some deals may seem to the majority of us, there is a small faction that will buy it anyways.
It may have been amazing for you, but not for all of us endgame players. And I think you misunderstand the word "free." Let me give you an example of two different scenarios:
You go to your boss at work and he says, "You put in a lot of hard effort here and I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate you. Here is $100."
Now here is another example closer to what Kabam did with Summoner Appreciation:
You go to your boss at work and he says, "You put in a lot of hard effort here and I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate you. I have a $100 bill here to show my appreciation for you, but first I'd like you to come to my house, do some of my yard work, touch up some paint in my house, and buy me dinner tonight."
Literally this guy spent 1000 on one character in LOL, but has the nerve to be pissed about spending 30 units? And also you just want them to give us 1 million - 2 million gold in mail, while giving us a couple AQ items instead of farming a quest for them? I swear this community is ridicules
I'm thinking about bumping this thread until a mod responds. I want to hear what they have to say.
for months, upon months, of bugs?