alliance tips?

i recently got invited to a new alliance, i was already in one but we only had 17 members and rarely participated in alliance quests or wars and when we did we lost. anyways i was wondering if anyone could give me any tips about alliance quests and alliance wars so i could be helpful in my new alliance. im fairly familiar with the rest of the game and im level 30 but i’ve only participated in an alliance quest once so i don’t know much so any tips would be very appreciated, thanks!
If you have line or a method of communication, use that often particularly if you're in an AQ with linked nodes. My tip is that you should go for a path that can take down a linked node so you open up paths for your teammates, and communicate with them when their node is down.
Also, the AQ champs never change so if you run into a champ you can't fight, try taking a different path the next time.
okay thank you so much!