Reset AW tier and AW rating when a new AW season starts?



  • Akarsh383Akarsh383 Member Posts: 76
    Here's a better suggestion you start the game from first every time you finish a major quest like Act 4 or Eq master way that way your "skill" and may be your mind will lift and you might start to make sense
  • NoOnexRONoOnexRO Member Posts: 349 ★★★
    Akarsh383 wrote: »
    Here's a better suggestion you start the game from first every time you finish a major quest like Act 4 or Eq master way that way your "skill" and may be your mind will lift and you might start to make sense

    Event quests reset each month so if you wanted to be ironic you kinda failed.
    I also don't understand the relevance of a personal progress (acts related) when I'm talking about a AW season that has a beginning and an end. The AW starts at a certain date and ends at a certain date... but all the metrics are tied to the previous event. I'm sure that my logic isn't the logic Kabam or majority use.
    This is why the subject is a poll, you get to vote and also express your personal opinion in a constructive way - if you want.
  • NoOnexRONoOnexRO Member Posts: 349 ★★★
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    NoOnexRO wrote: »
    correborre wrote: »
    lol. Yes, and all the top tiered alliances will have it piss easy for the whole season unless they end up facing each other all the time. It would make no difference what so ever.

    There is maybe 1 or 2 alliances that have gone from like 2500 rating up to 3100+ during one season and placed Plat 1 or above.

    Why do we always need to point out the "top alliances"?
    Those alliances will reach the top easy. Okay. I understand.

    I'm more interested in the 70-75% of the alliances that will get to fight for bronze, silver and gold.
    The rest 25% will get to top or bottom anyway - with or without the reset.

    The issues you aren't seeing is if everyone is reset to zero the top three alliances could face the bottom 3 alliances in game. Then the next week top 3 get maybe bottom 40 alliances. By the time they face a decent alliance. Season is over

    You do realize that you quoted a comment that was meant to leave the top alliances aside and discuss the alliances' majority and in the response you literally talked about top alliances?

    What do you think about the system reset for gold, silver or bronze alliances?
    In what way will this change be negative?
  • Maat1985Maat1985 Member Posts: 2,412 ★★★★
    @Dropfaith .... please read my thread.....
    there you will see that the top allies will never face the bottom due to alliance rating also factoring into matchmaking.
    i have posted here already about it. and provided link pplease read it and it will help you understand.

    war matchup currently uses war rating as it base and then also factors in ally rating so you get a match with same war rating and similar ally rating.
    which then makes it harder to move up and down as you are facing only same same opponents. back originally wars were not like this. allies climbed to the top when ally rating was not factored in.
    (also not saying i agree with war rating reset. but we do need a change to matchmaking)
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