Allinace war adjustment

Kabam yous need to address this I've seen meny allinaces complaining that there been punished or have there war rateing adjusted because of a member in allinace breaking your TOS yous message leader explaining there rateing adjusted but refuse say who in allinace it was how are any allince stand chance from it happening again when they don't know who it is or person owning up to it yous need to either inform leader of person in question so they can be removed or yous need remove the person from alliance aswell as banning them I think it's unfair if one member ruining it for rest allinace who probly worked hard get up to good tier while not breaking any TOS doing so
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No one on my team has my ALLINCE hasn been affected by this but I'm sayin in general that issue needs be sorted I'm do see meny going on about it on other mcoc pages
Who cheated my account is fine as is rest my ALLINCE we don't cheat and we have never had our war rateing adjusted
With that said, I agree it's really stupid that kabam doesn't provide which alliance member was cheating. It's so incredibly counter productive, but hey, that's kabam.
I'm sorry, but we cannot share information about actions taken against accounts with third parties. Please review our stance on account sharing for more context.