"Graceful kick" button

So, this has been on my mind for a while now. I've had to kick about 10 players in the last year because they were either not up to snuff or just not active enough, but i've come to know them and I dont want them to lose out on AQ/alliance rewards and milestones if they join a lower, less active alliance while they sort our their IRL stuff.
That's when it occured to me, what if there was a "Graceful kick" button, next to the usual, unforgiving kick button. The graceful one would exempt the player from being stuck in that cooldown period when switching alliances. You could include a counter on the sumnmoner's profile, how many "hard kicks" and how many "graceful kicks" they've had, indicating if they're just alliance skippers, dead weight or really just IRL takes over more often.
Just a thought.
That's when it occured to me, what if there was a "Graceful kick" button, next to the usual, unforgiving kick button. The graceful one would exempt the player from being stuck in that cooldown period when switching alliances. You could include a counter on the sumnmoner's profile, how many "hard kicks" and how many "graceful kicks" they've had, indicating if they're just alliance skippers, dead weight or really just IRL takes over more often.
Just a thought.
It could be attached to their profile in the background so that when they join a new alliance, the code will automatically reinstate them into the rewards of the new alliance.
not quite, he was suggesting if you have to kick a friend because things are going on in there life and dont want them to suffer the blackout period you can "use the special kick" but i still think it would be abused more than anything.
Good intention and I understand where he is coming from but just don't see that happening and it will get exploited like you suggested.
I'm not complaining, btw. I knew what was going to happen, and this is a game, so life had to take priority. Something like this, though, would have made it nice for me.