Request for T1alpha quest

Kabam it is about time to give summoners a daily quest to obtain t1@ shards (1500 sounds right) daily by 100% the map fights with opponents at 80-90k HP is pretty hard itself so that noobs wont be able to easily get the resources. And the chest in the quest also have chances to give a fully formed one . Is this reasonable? You are are making the game cringy by not giving basic cats to high end summoners.
@Kabam Rose @Kabam Miike @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Loto @Kabam Zibiit
I do need t1a and i do have 12/12 on my t4cc, 3/6 cats actually but my Alliance cant just simply do map 3 for me, either way i cant possibly go down from a plat2 ally myself now can i? That would be the stupidest thing ever now due to wars. I want the kabam to acknowledge it the t1a problem.
Your alliance can't get to the alpha milestone of 3 day events? That nets you two a week right there. And it sounds like you should have no issue using glory for t1a as well.
You also get one for exploring beginner monthly quest and completing heroic. Completing Master nets you another 3. That's another 5 per month right there. So that's 6 ranks per month or three 5*'s to rank 3 a month. That seems slow? I can't imagine you really want to take all of those 5's to R3. I'm sure a bunch suck, and you never use them outside of arena. And I can't imagine you're wasting t4c to take bad 5's to R3 just for arena points.
Not sure how much glory you get in the higher tiers of AQ, but it sounds like you have 1060 a week to buy 3. It's another 1140 to get the last two per week.
And everyone else above you went through the same thing. Not like they had an advantage. The people above you have their own glass ceiling with t2a availability. Is what it is. I have only one or two 5's that aren't R2. I could use more t2a to take a 5 to R4 as my t4c starts to reach double digits. I sell alphas all the time.
You want alphas. There are ways to get two more a month, but it's beneath you to do such content.
If they made everything more plentiful, you wouldn't have to make choices in the game. Having to decide who to rank, who not to rank. Where do I spend my resources. What content is worth me playing? What content is worth me spending resources to complete? It's all about choices.
Follow your own advice.