Stop believing edited pics

Whether u believe or not,
Aside the piloting concern which has always been around up and down...
the recent whole colluding issue...should only be about setting up 2* wars to gain point advantage.
The whole thing about backdoor deals with kabam is utterly stupid. Stop letting ur imagination run wild.
As for placement $ or watever we wish to call it...u should ask urself if the alliance in question even won these wars because from wat i seen they lost. All wars won had normal death scores.
Let kabam look at ingame data and investigate. I can easily edit chat bubbles or avatar pic.
Aside the piloting concern which has always been around up and down...
the recent whole colluding issue...should only be about setting up 2* wars to gain point advantage.
The whole thing about backdoor deals with kabam is utterly stupid. Stop letting ur imagination run wild.
As for placement $ or watever we wish to call it...u should ask urself if the alliance in question even won these wars because from wat i seen they lost. All wars won had normal death scores.
Let kabam look at ingame data and investigate. I can easily edit chat bubbles or avatar pic.
loool that's what i thought thoo
As for editing...i can do one for u now chatting with a friend and either erase our names or cut paste edit our avatar or text hahahaha
First look at results of wars. who won and who actually lost. If all was indeed true, the ally in question would b undoubtly #1. Seeing their season score, im sure they lost 3-4 wars this season. I am desperate? u just need to look actual results instead of sudden outburst of posts after one of the top allies got hurt and are salty.
Piloting is certainly something that needs to b further looked at. But the other claims seem meh in my eyes.
Also helps when an ex-leader of a top alliance comments that conversations shown in SS are true
The ex-leader also got kicked for not being active and not donating ever btw. He lost passion for the game long ago.
People already believe that there would never be a real investigation of this particular alliance for various reasons. There's no need to help that alliance stay safe by flooding the community with fake stuff. Now if no adjustments are made, everyone will be wondering if this had anything to do with. Can't give people a free out.
He addressed messages to the person who wrote the confession I mentioned, who wrote messages back to him.
Kicked for inactivity doesn’t mean everything someone says is a lie.
Conditional reasoning is appropriate when there are few variables to consider (“if this, then that”). IMO there are too many variables with this situation for LSAT-like logic games to effectively explain what’s actually going on.
Right on. I am sure there were truths to the matter. But now so much has come out suddenly and only after someone got hurt it is funny. Pilot stuff does need to be looked on just as all other top allies included. Things now seem to b a mix of facts and trolls its hard to believe wats wat.
From what i know the ally in question is actually known to not accept 2* deals since the past because they never trusted others with these deals and were confident to win their wars. Only seen them 2* war with their branch ally long ago.
If u r on line chat groups, u would know that if the ally in question actually did 2* wars, images usually get leaked asap.
Anyway, my 2 cents.
Don't believe everything someone just says and in edited screen shots
Confessions can also be made up lies
There's always his side, their side and the truth....
Secondly, if those ss were fake, then the one creating those could have included much more damning ideas about Kabam. But instead, they are very subtle and in passing. They are too realistic and "casual" to have been completely fabricated.
Thirdly, all of this has been corroborated by other circumstantial evidence. Those accusing people of blinding relying on ss are missing the point. The ss only affirm what has already been suspected. We can look at the match making compensation, the crystal exploit penalty, the testimony of the ex member, the silence of Kabam, or other circumstantial evidence.
When you look at the cumulative effect of all of these circumstantial evidence, then the verdict is pretty clear.
For ur first point. None said all is true or all fake. Just said things seem to be bloated with troll news thats mixing with the actual truth that it seems to only worsen the matter. All evidence can be found ingame. So, we shall see if there was such “colluding” as how one of the top ally got penalized. Only been a day, kabam as we all know arent fast in action lol.
For ur second point. Fabrication shouldnt b too extreme but more subtle if u want it to be more realistic no?
For ur third point. u should really know the facts and be more critical. Match making compensation was actually valid considering they could only possibly match 2 wars per week instead of 3 just like every other ally. The actual problem was that kabam only considered them part of the compensation making the case too specific instead of including some others that missed searching 2 hours at end of search window. Kabam argument was that others had the flexibility to search earlier while it was technically impossible for the alliance in question. As for the crystal exploit, i cant say much. But, all i can say that back then kabam wasnt as strict with their exploit punishment approach early of the game compared to later once game content and mechanica started developing.