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The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


Am I the only one who really hates Masteries?

Like, I'd prefer if there were specific masteries for each champion based on their already existing skills. Like as a Spider-Man you could pimp his dexterity. Or you could improve upon one of his weaknesses in a not so major way, sacrificing majorly improving his strengths in the process.

Just feel like general Masteries for all champs streamline the experience too much, taking some of the uniqueness from each champion


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    I disagree as they are based on team synergies s of your builds for quest > alliance quest/war & pvp/duel >> if building/working on team based on crit with synergies of each member + mastery totems for such then benefits towards that build
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    JayT1996JayT1996 Posts: 95
    Yes you might be the only one who hates masteries I think they are very useful
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    1haunted_memory1haunted_memory Posts: 804 ★★★
    No it would be the same as adding gear. the mastery tree's are the same for every player, it is up to each one to unlock what they need
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    KnobyKnoby Posts: 61
    edited June 2017
    Alright. I guess there's a lot I still gotta learn about this game and I should hold back a little.

    On the bright side, two of you made me appreciate masteries more. Cause now I can look at it like it's a general training for champs- like if they went to Xavier school instead of mine they might be trained differently. I can get behind that.
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    KnobyKnoby Posts: 61
    But that's what forums and dialogues are for right? Even if my approach might be a little brash
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