War matchmaking screws us

Our alliance has been playing and spending all season long. We have had some tough match ups and we have spent a lot of time and assists to clear and win as much as we can. As we see ourselves creeping into platinum 2 we finally see all of our hard work paying off. Until we saw the match up for our final war. Only -2 it we lose. +114 if we win. You just matched a primarily tier 3 now tier 2 alliance with a top 5 alliance. This is purely unacceptable. You’ve written our fate at the last conceivable chance and we are just in total shock. Why would you stack the favors so far against us for our last war of the season? We have never seen points disparity this extreme in the history of alliance war. What is your explanation? 

Since it's the final war could it be you either match with someone or no one at all? Better lose than not even participating; that being said the differential is unusually high....
Best of luck staying on plat 2 don't give up.
Just to throw out a suggestion - each alliance will apply the multiplier of its opponent for the points in that war.
After 5 it drops below what the calculator says
never seen that large of a spread ... not sure if top 5, but maybe one of the top 10.
good luck.
I assume u guys same ally.