Am i on the naughty list?

Seriously, is there a list of players you guys keep that have cursed accounts? My last five star drops have been duping collossus, ant man, she hulk, duped miles, civil warrior. This is no longer fun. How can i ever progress at this rate?
Can you guys please do something to address this? Im extremely frustrated and don’t know what to do at this point? I enjoy the game overall but feel like im stuck and I’m literally helpless. It’s difficult to believe it’s a luck based game when I’m constantly seeing people in my alliance getting great drops meanwhile im duping collosus.....
Can you guys please do something to address this? Im extremely frustrated and don’t know what to do at this point? I enjoy the game overall but feel like im stuck and I’m literally helpless. It’s difficult to believe it’s a luck based game when I’m constantly seeing people in my alliance getting great drops meanwhile im duping collosus.....
only 5 meh pulls is nothing... you should see the streak my boy Wood has been on of meh 5 star pulls ... something like 10-15 in a row.
Specifically, what progress is being halted due to a lack of popular 5* champs? Honest question. ROL? RttL? LOL? Act 4? Becoming Uncollected? Act 5? AQ?
What i would consider great pulls (definite R4 worthy - 11%):
2x Voodoo
A few "good" pulls (at least R3 worthy - 19%):
2X Rogue
Nightcrawler (really is underrated on attack)
Overall, a 30% drop rate of decent champs isn't horrible. But it's in human nature to remember the bad and forget the good.
Then one week, between the two accounts I got 15 2* Rhino's and 3- 3* Rhino's. "Random"?....... maybe........
Not to mention, in the past 2 months I opened Venompool 3 times.