When does Season 3 start?

I’ve seen a few of these threads posted but have yet to see any news from Kabam. As difficult as it may seem to believe, we actually have lives and knowing when Season 3 starts can aid us in planning our aforementioned lives. We don’t need details or whether new nodes/maps/rules may or may not be instituted. Just looking for a courteous reply of the start date for season 3.
Thank you
Thank you
Jeez season 2 isn't even done yet. Kabam won't answer you on this so just going from off season 1 then we'll have about a month downtime if I remember rightly.
Last break between seasons was extended (as per Kabam) because they were making new nodes.
Taking this ambiguity into account, it would be nice to know when Season 3 starts. I’ll bet many in the community would be surprised by Season 3 starting on 7/16/18. I’d rather have a little heads up if possible.
But they also said that downtime between season 1 and 2 would be longer than the next downtime between following seasons iirc
i might be mistaken tho
Nice work, thank you!
I'm not trying to be a jerk, but shouldn't it be other way around? Shouldn't be the game revolving around our lives not our lives revolving around the game?
If we have to make adjustment to our lives just because of a mobile game which would not pay off our bills, then we are definitely on the wrong path.
Not true. Video games are just like any hobby. If you like it and are committed to it, then you will spend time doing those things.
Just like joining a golf league... You gotta know what day(s) they play. Doesn't mean it's bad, just the way it is.
Its for worse they even mentioned they are gonna add more nodes next season lol
We'll have more information for you all very soon, but I can confirm that Season 3 of Alliance Wars will kick off on July 11th.
It would have been good to get a break for 2-3 Weeks as it's driving people mad here at the top
Is it a good idea to start a new season when the system is so broken? Avoid having the same issues we’ve been having for the last two seasons.
Thanks for the info @Kabam Miike . Will we be receiving an announcement about how Season 2's Terms of Service violations will be addressed?
Kabam Miike, we need more time off than that! that date is ridiculous!
We have like 1/2 weeks to farm up a full seasons worth of items? How do you find this fair?
I’m guessing .. you want us all to have less time to build resources so that people spend more $$$$ ££££ €€€€ on potions and boosts!!
Everyone comment on this if you agree we need more time of a break between the season.
Pass it to the team: you guys are pushing it too far. As much as i understand how lucrative seasons are 2 weeks is a riddicolous short time both for restocking resources and to recover from the stress.
Add that summer ia here and you re riaking WAY TOO MUCH with this.
Do reconsider or at least put a break of another 2 weeks for august.