AW Search Time needs an adjustment



  • ThawnimThawnim Member Posts: 1,461 ★★★★
    @Maximus_Spankerson the issue is no alliance will willingly face MMX. They win every war, why would allys willingly go up against them over and over? Once or twice is for the challenge, then it's just banging your head against the wall.

    They have been beaten before in war. It's rare, but it happens...ISOA did it months back. But really who cares? You cannot expect in tier 1 or tier 2 to win every match. We are constantly facing alliances with the most difficult 5* champs ranked 4/55 placed on the toughest nodes and buffs. Knowing that you just accept it. The rewards at tier 1 and tier 2 make it worth it at the end of the day.
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    I'm not sure if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me...? They have lost a few times, but not for a while and nobody goes into wars wanting to lose. As the OP stated, losing to MMX only drops you a few war points so your next war will still be very difficult. So no ally wants to match the top team, get loser rewards, and still be as high in the rankings afterwards. It doesn't make sense to purposefully match MMX (or ISO for that matter).

    If they did open up the possible opponents for these outliers, the allys near the top would not be faced with the burden of facing them over and over. Sure lower allys in tier 1 will complain if they match, but the fights would be spread more so you wouldn't have to expect to fight them again soon.
  • GabbrosGabbros Member Posts: 156
    With 15min left till search being disabled, we barely found our 3rd war this week. Lucky tat we found the other wars in 2.5 hrs...
  • GabbrosGabbros Member Posts: 156
    edited July 2017
    Missed 3rd war again this week.

    Why is there no response/support from a moderator of this section?

    Has something been done? Will b done?
  • NoobeeusNoobeeus Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Gabbros wrote: »
    Missed 3rd war again this week.

    Why is there no response/support from a moderator of this section?

    Has something been done? Will b done?

    Probably not, or if it is it wont be done this fast.

    If all the other alliances that are close to you are being matched away before you get a look in then you will face this all the time.

    Maybe just be happy you get a guaranteed 2 wins per week instead of potentially 3 losses like the rest of us.
  • GabbrosGabbros Member Posts: 156
    @Kabam Wolf anything?
  • GabbrosGabbros Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2017
    Hey @Gabbros anything?
    How about instead of complaining about search times you guys start playing fair and start war matches so as not to avoid having to face each other?
    I dont mean to offend u, but u should get ur facts straight.

    The purpose of such groups is to avoid each other especially us lol. Majority of alliances associated in such group, search after finding out one of their initial group matches against us or after 3-5 hrs since aw search opens up.

    We r not in tat group. There is no alliance we do not accept a challenge.

    If u read my topic u would know that we have to search as soon as we can due to longer search times compared to others...meaning we do not manipulate possible/probable matching.
  • HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Member Posts: 550 ★★
    You could make it easier for you to find matches if you disband the alliance. You've all been playing together so long, I would think it would be fun for each to start their own alliance and race each other back to the top of the rankings.
  • wray1976wray1976 Member Posts: 459 ★★
    Gabbros wrote: »

    Majority of alliances play 3 wars a week. Currently, the search time for MMXIV has been close to or over 3 hours on average. Due to the long search time we had been experiencing, we are at times unable to play 3 wars despite searching as soon as the search window opens on Wednesdays or when a war is over. Due to our high rating, our match search pool is restricted and many alliances have been strategically avoiding our search window.

    I would like to request that either you guys adjust our match search pool parameters (probable opponents and restrictions) or enable weekly war search earlier or disable war search later to give us an extra hour or two. I believe this request is reasonable and fair.

    Thank you.

    Which alliances should receive special treatment?

    Maybe fix it so the ones dodging them can't exploit the search function.
  • RehctansBewRehctansBew Member Posts: 442 ★★★
    Just faced your squad in AW, and wow that was fun. You guys deserve the same opportunity as the rest of us to get 3 wars in. I was pleasantly surprised how genuine you all were in chat, and my whole squad thought that was awesome. It was fun to pick the brains of top dawgs.
  • HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Member Posts: 550 ★★
    Gabbros wrote: »
    You could make it easier for you to find matches if you disband the alliance. You've all been playing together so long, I would think it would be fun for each to start their own alliance and race each other back to the top of the rankings.
    Swapping to a lower aw rated alliance is only a temporary solution and also one to manipulate aw matching. Instead doing that, Kabam SHOULD adjust their search or matching system. Alliances are not meant to disband or swap to another just to fight weaker alliances or avoid stronger ones.

    I didn't suggest swapping to another alliance. I suggested each of you starting your own new alliance and build your way back up. See who manages to make it to tier one first. A game within the game. It would be fun for me, constantly rinse and repeating the same wars over and over would be boring to me, which is probably what your wars have become at this point. Same opponents, same champs on the same nodes.

    If you want a global fix to the alliance war process, then the best suggestion would be to leave it open all the time. The search time will still be long, but at least you won't be blocked out of being able to war due to the search time. There must be a reason they shut it off, but I can't figure it out and it only turns out to be one 24 hour period without war anyway. I think everyone should have a chance to play the same number of wars each week, my concern is their attempt to fix this may result in more bugs and more mismatches at the lower levels. So having the window open all the time seems to be the most fair to everybody.
  • GabbrosGabbros Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2017
    Ty for ur comment.

    I believe the search disable period was introduced when kabam wanted to do some type of maintenance or data gathering end of the week. Cant recall specifics.

    My own proposal was to open the search few more hours. Having search open all the time could potentially discourage alliances from searching late to avoid another.

    Are u propsosing that aw rating should b reset time to time? I think doing that every 2-3 months would be great. But, initial rating after reset would not accurately reflect alliance power level therefore more likely unequal matches. I do hear though that many smaller alliances still are matched with much stronger alliances these days.
  • IAmNotUrMomIAmNotUrMom Member Posts: 648 ★★★
    Gabbros wrote: »
    Ty for ur comment.

    I believe the search disable period was introduced when kabam wanted to do some type of maintenance or data gathering end of the week. Cant recall specifics.

    My own proposal was to open the search few more hours. Having search open all the time could potentially discourage alliances from searching late to avoid another.

    Are u propsosing that aw rating should b reset time to time? I think doing that every 2-3 months would be great. But, initial rating after reset would not accurately reflect alliance power level therefore more likely unequal matches. I do hear though that many smaller alliances still are matched with much stronger alliances these days.

    I always thought the war search was locked down at 7pm PST to account for the fact that Tuesdays when there is maintenance to prevent running up into that since it usually starts at 8pm PST. Either way they could expand the window like you said, even if it is for both.
  • HoidCosmereHoidCosmere Member Posts: 550 ★★
    Gabbros wrote: »

    Are u propsosing that aw rating should b reset time to time? I think doing that every 2-3 months would be great. But, initial rating after reset would not accurately reflect alliance power level therefore more likely unequal matches. I do hear though that many smaller alliances still are matched with much stronger alliances these days.

    No I am not suggesting that, I think that would be a very bad idea.
  • GabbrosGabbros Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2017
    Umm hasn't ISO8A beat you guys the last few times you've been matched up? There are a bunch of screens that have circulated around showing that MMX boots members who die more than once in war and don't let someone pilot for them. Don't pretend MMX is special when they bend the rules more than anyone else.

    Sorry, wasn't meant to be just about MMX. The criticism is meant for all top alliances because of the way kabam has it set up. It makes sense if top alliances don't want to fight each other since it would keep items used to minimal or nothing and the rewards are the same no matter who you beat in tier 1 whether it's a 2400 or 3500 opponent.

    I have never asked mmx to be treated special. I could actually say mmx situation is unfair to be honest since my request is for mmx to be able to search for three wars just as majority of other alliances or have the flexibility others have with search timing. We have no leeway of searching wars 5-10-30min late if we want to have a CHANCE at getting 3 wars...while most others have plenty time. My criticism is towards current aw search and matching system...was less about alliances and their matching strategies. Kabam should b adjusting their system based on how its playerbase react from legit strats to exploits.

    Going bit off topic to clarify: yes, we have lost twice to iso8 few months back. But aside the two losses, we have won vs iso8 countless times beforehand which came to the point they wouldnt even bother trying to win. After those two encounters months ago end of season2 or so(cant remember exact timeline), we have never matched. Iso8 is one of top5 alliance, prob have 90-100% win rate, yet their rating is 400 apart from us because they search late and avoid us, thus less wars and more potential to play weaker teams during off search days. Note, 400 rating is a lot of difference for top alliances since we only gain 1-10 rating by winning. In the end, we all just want less stressful wars, mayb have some pride in ranking, and most of all want shards for account progression.

    As for spending...higher alliances have a lot more flexibility when it comes to pushing to win.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Ten is most likely correct. It's dependent on who is Matchmaking in your range at the time you are. The computer searches for a suitable Match within your War Rating at the same time you are searching. It will continue to search until it finds a Match in your proximity, or until an Ally comes on to Match. It has specific parameters to look for, and it will most often operate within those. Sometimes there are odd Matches that are way off, but that's pretty much availability. That's my theory anyway.
  • Draco2199Draco2199 Member Posts: 803 ★★★
    Search needs to be fixed top alliances are exploiting the system.
  • 420sam420sam Member Posts: 526 ★★★
    Draco2199 wrote: »
    Search needs to be fixed top alliances are exploiting the system.

    Kabam has allowed this sort of thing to happen really for about a year. If it was truly an exploit they would have squashed it a long time ago like they did with 2* wars.
  • GabbrosGabbros Member Posts: 156
    Probably so. There should b a default range for match making kabam believes is a fair match. However, i think as search time becomes long, this range changes or should at least. Whatever XYZ values kabam have set, they definitely need some tweaking or changeup the system so matching is quicker/efficient and more balanced overall. A war search should not be over 2 hours considering the limited alloted search time window allowed per week.
  • IAmNotUrMomIAmNotUrMom Member Posts: 648 ★★★
    Gabbros wrote: »
    Probably so. There should b a default range for match making kabam believes is a fair match. However, i think as search time becomes long, this range changes or should at least. Whatever XYZ values kabam have set, they definitely need some tweaking or changeup the system so matching is quicker/efficient and more balanced overall. A war search should not be over 2 hours considering the limited alloted search time window allowed per week.

    Maybe at first the search goes within +/- 25 points but then it expands it by +/- 50 points ever 5-10 minutes.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    Gabbros wrote: »
    Probably so. There should b a default range for match making kabam believes is a fair match. However, i think as search time becomes long, this range changes or should at least. Whatever XYZ values kabam have set, they definitely need some tweaking or changeup the system so matching is quicker/efficient and more balanced overall. A war search should not be over 2 hours considering the limited alloted search time window allowed per week.

    Well, my guess is the parameters are there. It's a matter of other factors. If it happens frequently, it may be the availability of the Tier you're in or the time of day you start Matchmaking.
  • GrubGrub Member Posts: 258 ★★★
    Basically here is the other alternative. Reduce the time for searches so that the most people can squeeze in us 2 per week. This allows people the flexibility to search whenever and it does not effect the top alliances negatively, if all your squeezing in is 2 wars at the moment. Reduce it so that you don't have that extra hour or two to try and find a third war and take away the frustration of not finding one.
  • GrubGrub Member Posts: 258 ★★★
    There easy solution solves your problem, but I bet it gets shot down cause it does not suit your agenda of getting you more shards even though it eliminates the so called problem of matchmaking time frame.
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