Deadpool in crystals

I didn't get Deadpool in the beginning, and since Deadpool is basically the most wanted character and the rarest, they should put him in crystals for 3 day intervals. (3 days, he's in. 3 days later, he's out)
Deadpool in crystals 24 votes
That's what they did last time.
Erm, that's the X-Force Deadpool, we are talking about the Og one here.
Back to the main I know many people want Deadpool OG to be more readily available other than spending money on him when his special offer is available or going for his special arena. Heck, even I want him.
Unfortunately, I really don't think Kabam would make him available in any other way. Even if they really wanted to, they would receive huge backlash from those who have paid and grinded for him. It just isn't fair to those who have already spent money on him.
Please, I know you love money but this is unfair for some players
No, some of us bought him. If anything he should be made available for purchase again. Punisher prior to an arena was only available through arena crystals, not something you could buy so it's a completely different scenario.