Why is the main hero in Antman one of the worst in the game still?

Antman is in his second feature film and he is still one of the worst in the game. You buffed Red Hulk and Luke Cage who are minor characters with only a Netflix series for Luke Cage but you ignore a two movie/Avenger movie cameo in Antman. How about less new obscure champs and buff champs like Antman?
The disparity between the champs...
Masacre isn't event in Deadpool 2. So who knew him before Kabam had put him in MCoC as a champ? Also Ant-Man is an ok character for defense but I wan't to actually play with my champions. He absolutly needs an update.
Adding a secondary effect to his Fatigue (like reducing Dexterity/Evade as well as crits) would be helpful, as would increasing his Poison damage (or just keeping the Damage the same but reducing the duration).
I'd love an updated SP3 where he goes Goliath. If it's good enough for Dormammu...