Carnage Buff

From my understanding, Carnage is due an upcoming God Tier buff. It seems that many people point to the fact that players were informed at New York ComicCon 2017, that Carnage would be buffed at the "beginning" of 2018. Now we are more than half way through 2018 and still no buff. The best I've been able to find is that Kabam Miike posted on the 26th of March 2018 that they were working on some high level possibilities but were not happy with any of them yet.
I've also heard information that they are waiting until the new Venom movie comes out to release the buff. Why the delay? Yes Carnage is the son of Venom so to speak - but the new movie coming out is Venom .. not Carnage.
Does anyone with the inside track know when the new buff is coming??
.. and please
don't make it dependent on a synergy with another character - that would be super weak.
The Carnage buff that is coming should be just as strong as Stark Spidey or stronger.
Remember Spiderman had to enlist Venom's help to battle Carnage - that ..
is how strong Carnage should be ..
to be able to fight both of them at the same time, upside down, with his hands tied behind his back, blindfolded, handcuffed and barefoot -
and still whippin both of them.
.. jus saying
I've also heard information that they are waiting until the new Venom movie comes out to release the buff. Why the delay? Yes Carnage is the son of Venom so to speak - but the new movie coming out is Venom .. not Carnage.
Does anyone with the inside track know when the new buff is coming??
.. and please
don't make it dependent on a synergy with another character - that would be super weak.
The Carnage buff that is coming should be just as strong as Stark Spidey or stronger.
Remember Spiderman had to enlist Venom's help to battle Carnage - that ..
is how strong Carnage should be ..
to be able to fight both of them at the same time, upside down, with his hands tied behind his back, blindfolded, handcuffed and barefoot -
and still whippin both of them.
.. jus saying
But yes, buff Carnage.
Maybe they need to do a greater rework then, cause he shouldn't just be a ramped up hammer .. he should be a straight out hammer from the get go - explosive violence mixed with savagery is his forté, coupled with his regeneration abilities and shapeshifting abilities (in canon) - this champ should be absolutely DEVASTATING to opponents.
this is a good ref. for direction in relation to possibilities for content creation (click photo for video):
but he's just soooo ..
and with so many tools in his chest
and with so much love for him in the MCOC community in his concept as a character ..
he deserves the Kabam special love 😈
he really needs the ❤ man
I do think it's dumb that it takes a heavy to get a bleed. He hands can be axes for **** sake. If venom can do it, he should be able to.
Let’s get some excitement back into the game! This season 3 news was a gut buster! People are calling for a boycott! Haven’t seen that since the great 12.0 update. Time for the masses to be heard!!!
Waaaay easier
As defenser, carnage wants to bemore tanky, beefy. That block proff or resistance is what he wants
As attacker, you want him to build up fury, precision, cruelty.
In both scenarios, you dont need him to wait that 10 seconds it’s ridiculous
Well… maybe. It’s easier to build up on a complex champion than it is to completely overhaul a “vanilla” due to having to reinvent the wheel.
gotta keep the dream alive man 😎
Respectfully, totally disagree.
You're right, boring is boring, so blah on those guys.
But Carnage is frickin AWESOME in canon, and he should be awesome in game as well.
Make Carnage Great Again (MCGA)!
I love that
And Groot isnt awesome? I understand the outrage, its just strange that carnage is the one getting all the attention, again i totally agree with the buffs for carnage, but i dont quite understand why carnage seems to be the community's only concern