Alliance war rating adjustment

I would like to address Kabam about this issue , this is on-going and will keep on hauting me & other alliance as-well.
We got two war rating adjustment on season 2, which is a big pain because I tried contacting you many times and we got none proper respond except you can’t reveal the cheater to the leader, then I have one question, how can I protect my alliance?
I don’t know who is violating your policies and i’m not a witch doctor, I can’t predict or kick members that I don’t know he/she is violating your policies, that is unfair to them, I need concrete evidence to show the team or you have to take control by simply ban that account from participating in AW right away, not 2-4 warnings or countless warning without no end.
Minor vs majority
That’s not fair to the rest of the alliance
Because of some cheater, the whole alliance get punish, that’s not fair indeed.
I really hope you hear this and change this because this is going to be a big issue in the nearby future.
We got two war rating adjustment on season 2, which is a big pain because I tried contacting you many times and we got none proper respond except you can’t reveal the cheater to the leader, then I have one question, how can I protect my alliance?
I don’t know who is violating your policies and i’m not a witch doctor, I can’t predict or kick members that I don’t know he/she is violating your policies, that is unfair to them, I need concrete evidence to show the team or you have to take control by simply ban that account from participating in AW right away, not 2-4 warnings or countless warning without no end.
Minor vs majority
That’s not fair to the rest of the alliance
Because of some cheater, the whole alliance get punish, that’s not fair indeed.
I really hope you hear this and change this because this is going to be a big issue in the nearby future.
Technically punishing the whole alliance is fair because wether you asked for it or not the cheater still helped you out which means you were helped to that rating through cheating wether you were aware of it or not unfair would be allowing you to keep the rating a cheater helped you get.
On the point of kabam not saying who cheated I think that they should fix that I do agree that this part is bs.
@viper yes u don’t lose but with each ratings adjustment, rewards become rubbish