Cap WWII or LC?

I haven't brought up a science champ yet (Due to my openings all being mystic and cosmic) but I recently picked up these two and would like to have one ranked up. Both are unduped but I have a science awakening gem if anyone recommends using it on one of these guys..
Arguably the best Hyperion counter as well as all around Mystic destroyer (save blade but I’m also excluding Synergies) including Mourningstar and even an emergency evade fighter so long as you remain vigilant. Reliable bulk and an immunity to bleed which is one of the more important immunities unless you constantly fight Mephisto and iceman near exclusively.
Solid damage, important abilities, additional Niche Matchups, and very easy to use.
Cap WW2 used to be great but is no longer very useful in a lot of content especially compared to LC