Seatin, Brian Grant, and/or Rich The Man please help.

I filed a ticket for a refund and if this is not granted I would like your help exposing this please. I will give you the results when I get a reply to my ticket.
Because he bought a chance to get a champ and he didn't get that chance
He didn't not get what he wanted, he COULDN'T get what he wanted because it wasn't in the crystal, even though the description said he was in there and the reel showed him in there. But he wasn't. So there was a 0% chance of getting him.
This was like a champ after reading and playing you decided to save and spend money to have that champ upgraded it. You log in nearly 12 hrs a day saving like an obsession to have it then at the end you got it.
Now the ingredient comes in that the champ you long for was nerfed or the talent of the champ needs to remove. Honestly, you feel and yes you are cheated if you know it will be nerfed would you buy the crystal, save unit, waiting for it hoping that you get the champ.
Did I not buy unit to max my Mystic Dispersion spending 4650 unit. I buy the unit with money and now thinking of the company to change it? If I have known will I buy it?
False advertising
If your on Apple.
Not sure what android link is.
they gave a list of champions that were supposed to be in the crystal only for that list to be inaccurate the crystal was also offering champs that didn't even bleed at all and instead of doing what they done in the past and try a d fix the crystal they just pretty much said piss off to everyone that brought it to there attention closed the thread.
to the op as others stated message Google or apple which ever divice use tell them the crystal was falsely advertised if the auto one does not work try and find a link to talk to someone and explain the situation to them
Thanks everyone for the info about going to Apple for refund. What a croc of $bjf.