Expired T2 alpha during emergency maintenance

As a seasoned summoner with this game i am used to the game crashing every so often. However this last "emergency maintenance" came when i was a couple hours away from having a T2 alpha expire in my stash. I was waiting to see if i could obtain 3k more T4 mystic shards to upgrade a champ via i wanted before commiting to another champ just to use my T2 alpha. Of course the game goes down for emergency maintenance during which i tried for 4 hours to log back in to use my T2 alpha before it expired. Obviously i wasnt able to get on and my T2 alpha has now gone to waste. Ive submitted multiple tickets to kabam support only to get the same copy and past bull@*#$ response saying theyre "sorry for the inconvenience". Sorry doesnt give me back my T2 alpha i worked so hard for. As someone who has played this game for more than 2.5 years i am outraged they are not even TRYING to help solve my issue. Is it possible to have a conversation with a real person from kabam or will i just keep getting automated responses?
You had 30 days. It's not the fault of the maintenance.
You sure?
So you have never held something in your stash til last minute????
3K mystic shards is pretty easy to get if you're lucky with a glory crystal or simply do the master mode or uncollected mode monthly event for the T4CC fragments. It was a perfectly reachable goal
No. If I am over flowing in a T4, I rank someone up with the T4 nd claim the one in my stash
So who would you blame if you didnt get mystic shards from the crystal? Your mystic shards weren't a guarantee to get but yet you want to blame Kabam for you not using the T2A in 30 days.
I would’ve done the same thing and believe you deserve the t2a back.
He said he would have ranked up someone else if he didn’t get the frags. Lots of people do this, it’s not some unheard of crazy thing. If he had something he really wanted to rank up prior it wouldn’t have been expiring in the first place. He was trying to get the materials he needed for what he wanted to do, and barring that he would have gone with a less desirable option at the end,
While it’s always risky to wait that long, no one could have expected or planned for 8+ hours of downtime. But keep defending the indefensible. He had a time frame, Kabam shortened that frame
The thing is it would mean he has 12 T2A in inventory anyway. If its getting that close and you'd be willing to rank to save the overflow, why not do it way before? He already had the resources to rank someone else. T4B and T1A are easy to come by. So the excuse of "he would of ranked someone else" doesnt hold water.
Are you just not coping with what everyone else does
The t1a and t4b aren’t the issue, it’s the t2a. Just because someone has 12 doesn’t mean they feel like they have tons and can just spend them on whoever. I always keep at least 8 t2a and I’ve had up to 3 t2a in my stash before because they are just that rare.
Regardless, he had others that could have been ranked, but wanted someone specific and that absolutely ‘holds water’ (to quote you).
Nailed it.
I want my duel credits back.