MorningStar LoL Attempt 5* 4/55

Hey guys, looking for advice.
I've done 2 paths of LoL with star lord and it's quite the headache for certain fights and expensive on the revives + potions.
A lot of talk that MS is a cheaper option because I wouldn't need to spend units on potions just revives when she gets life steal at Soul #5.
Asking for recommendation if you were to do one more path using MS, which would you do. And what synergies would you bring?
Using this map
I've done Path #1 and 3

I've done 2 paths of LoL with star lord and it's quite the headache for certain fights and expensive on the revives + potions.
A lot of talk that MS is a cheaper option because I wouldn't need to spend units on potions just revives when she gets life steal at Soul #5.
Asking for recommendation if you were to do one more path using MS, which would you do. And what synergies would you bring?
Using this map
I've done Path #1 and 3

I know this doesn't answer your question, and idk the answer, but I just thought I should mention this.
I only healed up for certain fights but that's still units. Like the doctor strange fight made me want to pluck my hair's out lmao. It's crazy how those with chip damage SP1 would purposely fire them without needed to be baited. Like falcon and war machine.
thank you so much ! lol finally some advice. ill look into path 4 maybe for next weekend.
Taking her to R5 after this months monthly :P rather her than Thor freaking Ragnarok....
nonsense! i did a path with her at 4/55 and it was great