Disappointed with Gold Pool Arena



  • shtorkshtork Member Posts: 15
    edited July 2018
    I totally get your comments and agree for most part. Surely, when the game is down, its down for everyone, but for one player its 800K points lost, for me its around 1.5 - 2 mil points lost, which might have been relevant, hypotheticals... I guess it would have been nice to have a wider bracket for top prizes and last milestone additions and maybe a surprize prizes too (Im a dreamer).

    For the quests: i normally can run 2-3 full (3 tier) paths in event quest a day. Of course there are some days I am out of questing. But with several merc missions, unfinished story quests, needed class cat quests, i always fall short for exloration. Also with war seasons and AQ all the time you are left with lower roster of champs, hense uncollected becomes an issue. This month i could do completion for all levels and 100% for normal, heroic and master (with 100% exploration of first 2 uncollected). Still not enough time...

    As for chrystal, every time i get a few of those, i tell myself - "its a trap, dont do it". But then you hope that maybe there is still a chance :) then you fall victim of your own impulsiveness )))
    I got to make a promiss to myself to not spend hard earned units on those offers anymore )))
  • WOLFY_0WOLFY_0 Member Posts: 18
    Even if you make it to the 5mil milestone, you are not getting much out of it. I had 4.7mil and I could have 6mil if the server isn’t down. But that’s nothing much I have missed plus if I knew the milestone was that bad in the first place, I would have gone for 5* feature arena after the first milestone
  • ShrimkinsShrimkins Member Posts: 1,479 ★★★★
    I'm always short on gold so I did all the milestones. Ended up in the 1-10% for putting up 5.2mil which for the score is a decent chunk of 5* shards.

    It's not that it was that bad, it just didn't live up to expectations. I'm just glad I didn't sink a ton of units into those crystals to get the ticket.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,564 Guardian
    shtork wrote: »
    I totally get your comments and agree for most part. Surely, when the game is down, its down for everyone, but for one player its 800K points lost, for me its around 1.5 - 2 mil points lost, which might have been relevant, hypotheticals...

    In this particular case, those two million points would not have mattered. You would have ended up in the same place, just with more effort: cutoff was 15, 337,530.

    That's actually staggeringly low. I'm already regretting not shooting for it: I could have reached that score even with the downtime if I pushed for it, but I figured it would take over 25 million to get him.
  • WOLFY_0WOLFY_0 Member Posts: 18
    No one knows for sure what the cut off is, you are lucky if you grinder just a bit more than the cutoff. But the milestone is subpar for this arena and that’s a fact...
  • BenjamincimasBenjamincimas Member Posts: 8
    Yo habri un montón de cristales de goldpool y nunca me toca nada solo oro estoy desepsionado y me tocó un solo boleto dorado yo quería un goldpool de 5estrellas
  • shtorkshtork Member Posts: 15
    @Benjamincimas, no estoy comprando nada de Kabam, ya no. ¡es una trampa desagradable en la que caes al desperdiciar todos tus recursos por nada! :)
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