Does nullify work on immunity nodes
So I'm planning to take on 545's immunity path and was wondering if you can nullify buffs. Cause I was thinking about bringing SW for Hyperion and Ultron but not sure if she can nullify. Cause I remember something about immunity path on map 5 AQ and not even being to power drain with Magik so not sure about all that.
Also, who were your best team for that path?
I'm gonna have BW and Quake for sure otherwise can't deal with Spidey, but who else do you recommend?
Also, who were your best team for that path?
I'm gonna have BW and Quake for sure otherwise can't deal with Spidey, but who else do you recommend?
That being said, I have not completed anything in 5.4 so I cannot confirm.
Coming to team, you gotta revive at least once if you don't have counter for spidey.
Rest the opponents are not that bad imo, except for Hyperion
But aren't most of them relying on bleed mostly? How does that work on immunity path?
But that's a different person than the OP, whose team so far is just SW, Quake, BW =P