Dormammu soul bond [Merged Threads]

Hello sorry to bother yall but just wanted to inform yall that dormammus soul bond is not working.i thought maybe yall got rid of it but according to his info its still there.
I did countless heavys and it never appeared in the corner. Look into it plz.

I did countless heavys and it never appeared in the corner. Look into it plz.
Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
I'll pass along this information to the rest of the team so that they can investigate the issue.
You are meant to place a soul bond on the opposition once you land a heavy attack and then the dark energy can be increased to a 100 which then can be detonated once again with a heavy.
You can't do this now because a soul bond can't be placed on the opponent in the first place.
Kabam can you sort this out please because this a a very important part to what makes dormamu good.
Don't delete this post this time, he's broken.
I know its irritating