Anyone notice Corvus does significantly less dmg

My estimate is half of what he used to do. I’ve used in probably the last 15 aqs and the last five or so dmg output is crappy to the point im sorry I ranked him.
Where was corvus being used?
No way I would have bothered ranking him with his performance lately
You dont tag them. You bring proof of your claim first. My duped 5* R3 is working just as he always has. Used him in the UC event and dont see any changes.
I one shotted uncollected ghost with his 20th hit yesterday.. doubt at rank 4 my 5 star could do that if nerfed.
Where did you use him?
My Morningstar is still a beast. Where are you pulling that 40% from? Everything seems the same.
100% of 0 is 0. So that checks out.