What's wrong with LOL enrage timer

Was doing a test run with my newly r4 Sabretooth on red hulk and the engragw timer was running like a gold digger who has seen riches at the end of the tunnel. Is anyone seen it or it's only me?
That is not attack synergy. Thats a mutant crit team. Try Magneto + cyclops + antman + yellowjacket
also, save this post for future reference :
I won't post it here because I'll probably get banned as usual (Thanks Lyra)
Karinksi is correct. If I am not mistaken base AD of sabretooth is 1554. You need to have a 2000+ AD to get longer enrage timer. Masteries and boosts don’t count. Synergy does. To hit 2000 you will need 29% attack damage symergy and that’s to my knowledge not possible. You either need an other champion or R5 him to gain the adventage of long timer.