Apple diagnostics

So been into the Apple store and they have said my battery is damaged they have done diagnostic and told me that the Mcoc app is using so much battery power 70% over 5 minutes what is a dangerous amount and why the phone is overheating! They have said do not use the app !! This will make ur warranty invalid!! So Kabam I put a ticket is got a computer response ?? What are they going to do ? As I can’t play the game put a lot of time and money into the game to now be unable to play it due to Kabam issue with the processing rate! So they need to sort it ASAP ! Or refund all the money been spent on the game and close my account if they can’t fix it !! If they can il be happy but what about missing my arena grinds for Pym Canisters ! Units bc solo event alliance events loads of stuff ! Not only that been kicked out the game while in war due to a crash ! Need something drastic to happen and quick as playing the game on my phone isn’t safe! So I want a human response to what will they do !!
I had a question that I sent a ticket, I got automated response and after automated response.
I kept at it and about 5 emails in I got a proper answer to my question from a real human.
Either go to San Francisco, Austin both in USA or go to the Vancouver office in Canada if they don’t fix your stuff. Just show up in person.
If it can be proved that it damaged your phone battery and you're not the only one, that's beyond "compensation".
That's called a class action lawsuit. These devices aren't cheap.
Can you share a link where it explains refunds for all in-game purchases? I know Apple may refund app purchases if the app is faulty, but not sure about in-game purchases. But you have my attention!
I filed a report with kabam notifying them I except compensation for a new battery and new phone and received a canned response. If enough Users experience damage to their phone due to overheating this is potentially a class actionable offense.
Kabam gave you a 2-star ant-man, that may solve your problem. Isn't the company great?
I’ll eat my still working iPhone if you some how manage to get O.J Simpson’s dream team to represent your class action lawsuit in enforcing your choice of restitution.
When you install an app, you assume responsibility for running it, not the developers. All you've done is destroy your own chances at receiving anything for your troubles.
Canadian / South Korean company now. Idk if that applies to international borders outside of North America.
Longer load times isn’t the same thing as this...
Never hurts to try.