AQ Bracket Issue [Resolved: Compensation Given]



  • SkymastrSkymastr Member Posts: 46
    Correct and right call give every1 last week rewards and milestones other than that this is realy **** @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @kabam team dont do that are u guys gonna punish player listen mod on forums btw this is ur mistake not ours.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,172 ★★★★★
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit it's unfair to rank alliances off last week's rankings because you told us before the AQ brackets would no longer matter. You didn't tell us anything this AQ and many scaled back or were accidentally put in map 2. Please place alliances by their July 3 ranks and hand out rewards based on that.
  • DJSergyDJSergy Member Posts: 170 ★★
    After reading the post from a mod here saying we can play AQ if we chose to, my alliance decided to do map3, you know, to relax a bit since its optional to play AQ this week because you guys messed up.

    Now we come to find out rewards are actually going to be affected by how we perform this AQ, meaning it was not optional to play AQ to get the rewards.

    This right here just adds to one of the worst week I’ve had playing this game. I find myself spending more time in the forums lookign for some light from kabam to give their player base some kind of compensation or rewards to make up for a horrible week.

    Instead i come accross things like this. I think its time for me to go on break while kabam sort this mess out. ✌️
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    DrZola wrote: »
    Two major game issues this week.

    Solutions: (1) Incompetence; (2) Cowardice.

    Dr. Zola

    I wouldn't go that far. What I see and have been seeing recently are symptoms of what I would characterize as stubbornness. Beyond that, I'm not sure what I should say about it.

    I say tomato, you say tomahto.

    Dr. Zola
  • SligSlig Member Posts: 427 ★★★
    edited July 2018
    We decided to play map 5 to be on the safe side. Went to start aq, SAS it said map 2, switched it to map 5, hit start, got map 2. FFS.
  • SligSlig Member Posts: 427 ★★★
    We decided to play map 5 to be on the safe side. Went to start aq, Saw it said map 2, switched it to map 5, hit start, got map 2. FFS.
  • AsmodeyusAsmodeyus Member Posts: 217
    DrZola wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    DrZola wrote: »
    Two major game issues this week.

    Solutions: (1) Incompetence; (2) Cowardice.

    Dr. Zola

    I wouldn't go that far. What I see and have been seeing recently are symptoms of what I would characterize as stubbornness. Beyond that, I'm not sure what I should say about it.

    I say tomato, you say tomahto.

    Dr. Zola

    Ya know what, fair enough sir, and well played.
  • BigDaddyJoeBigDaddyJoe Member Posts: 357 ★★
    They are just sweeping all this dirt under the rug hoping it just blows over fast, eventually it will and I believe thats their tactic. This is just wasting our time checking the forums, complaining to our alliance mates and whatever else the community is doing online. They really don’t care, they really don’t guys. We just have to accept it lol if we want a change in the game it’s up to us to make the right decisions. Keep playing the game but don’t spend real money. That is the only effective way to make a change. This company is ran from real currency, it’s not ran on units or shards or crystals, our own hard earned money that we give them is what keeps their lights on, pays the bills and supplies their payroll. We want a change, that’s how we do it bottomline. I may be put behind bars again lol
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  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,172 ★★★★★
    @Sighsohard It's not that difficult. 1) Maps should've been immediately made free. Now that Kabam blew it, and now they should refund map costs. 2) Whatever you earned in the AQ that ended on 6/26, that should be what you're given this week. Same map crystals, glory, rank rewards, etc. Why 6/26? Because after 6/26, it was announced brackets will no longer be in effect. Anyone who "earned" a "demotion" in the AQ ending on 7/4 shouldn't be punished because Kabam specifically represented that there would be no demotions from performance in that AQ.

    Heck, if you want to give everyone the higher of 6/26 or 7/4 AQ rewards, that's fair too. And if brackets have to stick around, they should return to the way they were at the start of 6/29 AQ.

    And there should be a little extra thrown in to cover the fact we've been short glory for this AQ and the start of AW season. Nothing crazy, but enough to pretend Kabam cares.
  • Meiolouco86Meiolouco86 Member Posts: 4
    edited July 2018
    My alliance is on map 3 due to not being worth the current awards in this error, being that we were in the expert. Kabam must reward according to the level they were in and if they did not change the type of quest keep at the same level as we were before the mistakes. Many alliances were not so dedicated because of Kabam's mistake, thus making inferior maps.
  • CFreeCFree Member Posts: 491 ★★
    My alliance is on map 3 due to not being worth the current awards in this error, being that we were in the expert. Kabam must reward according to the level they were in and if they did not change the type of quest keep at the same level as we were before the mistakes. Many alliances were not so dedicated because of Kabam's mistake, thus making inferior maps.
    Rewarding based on last week’s level doesn’t make sense. What if an alliance ran map 3 last week and are running map 5 this week? They shouldn’t be punished because you chose to run a lower map this week.

  • hungama01hungama01 Member Posts: 108
    And still they are not bothered to answer us....
    can we get some reply or we should accept what you have announced...
    dont have much time to come on forum and keep checking weather we have got any reply or not....
    dont waste our time...
  • cab55cab55 Member Posts: 40
    CFree wrote: »
    My alliance is on map 3 due to not being worth the current awards in this error, being that we were in the expert. Kabam must reward according to the level they were in and if they did not change the type of quest keep at the same level as we were before the mistakes. Many alliances were not so dedicated because of Kabam's mistake, thus making inferior maps.
    Rewarding based on last week’s level doesn’t make sense. What if an alliance ran map 3 last week and are running map 5 this week? They shouldn’t be punished because you chose to run a lower map this week.
    An alliance running map 3 is because they don't want to spend resources or neither want the tension of map 5
    It makes no sense that suddenly these alliances will be making map 5 when the rewards were downgraded.

    The complaint here is that Kabam said X on day one and then said Y on day three. No one should be punished by this poor communication from the development team and the moderators.

  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    edited July 2018
    abn86 wrote: »
    DNA3000 wrote: »

    The mods don't make that decision and thus cannot tell us what the outcome would be.

    No matter what Kabam does someone is going to be ticked off: the decision for what the best reasonable compensation should be shouldn't factor in as a goal making everyone happy. The best you can do in a situation like this is something that the majority of reasonable people would find reasonable fair. I have no illusions that any action, even the one I suggested earlier, would make everyone happy.

    You're right that they can't win with everybody, but the mods themselves need to at least communicate. I don't think most people blame the mods for the issues happening (or even the 'solutions') but they need to communicate that. I get it. As a mod, you're essentially PR for the company. Anything you say can and will be misconstrued. But you also can't sit there not at least acknowledging something. How hard is it to really say, "Hey summoners. We know that AQ is wrong. We haven't heard back from the game team yet, but we will let you guys know as soon as we do." Does it answer any question anyone has? Of course not. But it at least gives me the impression that you care/that my issues matter. I shouldn't have to explain the basics of customer service really to anyone, let alone to a company!
    Kabam is a company, if they don't support the game, ppl will eventually move away. In the end, the loss is for the company, they'll lose money, they'll lose jobs.

    Anyways, addressing your points -

    If your phone is over heating, taking a break sounds like good advice or you just want to burn your hands?? Get a new device if that helps you play.

    Compensation - It's not JUST community pressure that they give compensation, it's a way to apologize. I've played other games where you'd get compensation even when there was no uproar. Didn't you get 5* shards for free from Deadpool. Kabam has given lots of free items without a boycott or outburst from players.

    Just a mobile game - I love to play it, but if I have to put it down, it won't be the end of it all. I come to forums to discuss aspects of the game, not rile up ppl to go on protests. Bugs are bugs, and they'll get fixed.

    Asking over and over - You think this is the way? Tagging mods in every other post is the way? They'll give information when there's new information. Imagine your manager bugging you every 30 mins for a status update, I bet you'd say that effects productivity and what's there to say than "I'm working on it."

    I don't have a problem with asking questions, but bugs take time to be fixed. Look at Samsung's hasty solution to overheating batteries, more phones caught fire and eventually they cancelled the whole model for that year, but not before a fiasco.

    It's the app's interaction with iOS that causing heat, and probably could've been tested better. But once it's out and it's this serious, you can't just give a half verified solution. Takes time to analyze, plan, implement and roll it out.

    Gosh, if half the ppl would actually understand that it's not just like turning a switch on and off. Some bugs are easy, others not so much.

    Okay, so here's the thing. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I vehemently disagree with pretty much everything you said. If my phone is overheating, you're right, I should take a break. Perhaps while I take a break from this game, I find another game that actually aligns a little better with what I like. You know, that's why this game puts so many QoL changes for us! They actually want us to take a break from MCoC for a while so we can go play something else.

    Compensation is always deserved even though people act like it's not. If I'm in the middle of a fight for AQ/AW and the game goes down, I don't deserve compensation? Let's see, either of those is looking at half-life, so one kill in AW. You can either play with the lowered health against a champ who's damage you just did doesn't count, or use a pot (or two) to make up for the loss of health. Maybe it was a boss fight and you had two or three boosts going. I mean, we all have crazy extra boosts that we don't even use right? I can just re-run some more boosts. This is why anyone who complains at people who want compensation are only being contrarians. You can't tell me what I did or didn't use before the game went down, nor what I would or would not have used had it not gone down. So, yeah COMPENSATE me. Sorry if that means a bunch of people get rewards they didn't "earn". I don't care in the slightest.

    Just a mobile game for you? That's great, man. But who are you to define what makes a "real" game? I mean, it's just a mobile game. Just a PC game. Just a PS4 game. Just a board game. A game is a game is a game. If you've put any more than about 50 or 60 hours in this game, it's not JUST a mobile game. You have to work for every single thing in here. Maybe you have a few consoles, but I don't. I have two games that I play all the time, daily, but I guess they are just mobile games. This isn't a game designed around tossing paper in a trash can, yo! It's not just a mobile game to me.

    Long story short, yeah bugs exist, but no one has to understand or see things from Kabam's POV. Stop apologizing for them and their inability to properly communicate with their customers/potential customers (aka f2p). Communication is the most important tool any one can utilize - so much so that its effective in every aspect of life. They aren't properly communicating - why would you be comfortable taking a wait-and-see approach when they've shown time and time again (nearly 4 years now) that they play things way too close to the vest and it burns them?

    I take my words back. This IS a [Removed by Mod] Show , They've lost it.
    Post edited by Kabam Rose on
  • CFreeCFree Member Posts: 491 ★★
    cab55 wrote: »
    CFree wrote: »
    My alliance is on map 3 due to not being worth the current awards in this error, being that we were in the expert. Kabam must reward according to the level they were in and if they did not change the type of quest keep at the same level as we were before the mistakes. Many alliances were not so dedicated because of Kabam's mistake, thus making inferior maps.
    Rewarding based on last week’s level doesn’t make sense. What if an alliance ran map 3 last week and are running map 5 this week? They shouldn’t be punished because you chose to run a lower map this week.
    An alliance running map 3 is because they don't want to spend resources or neither want the tension of map 5
    It makes no sense that suddenly these alliances will be making map 5 when the rewards were downgraded.

    The complaint here is that Kabam said X on day one and then said Y on day three. No one should be punished by this poor communication from the development team and the moderators.

    It makes sense given the guidance that Kabam issued. Regardless, a compensation plan that punishes such a scenario makes no sense.
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  • Primmer79Primmer79 Member Posts: 2,968 ★★★★
    cAncAmO wrote: »
    guys, it´s time to leave this game, there are signals after signals

    Play fortnite,

    trash game. pubg better
  • Beholder_VBeholder_V Member Posts: 190
    First, I want to be clear, this is NOT about any kind of compensation. I really don't care about that at this point. What concerns me is that now the current AQ cycles "counts". The official message was open to interpretation, and many interpreted it to mean that this cycle was hoarked and participation was on an "if you feel like it" basis. Why does this matter? Because alliances that took it that way and decided to not run AQ or run lower maps to save resources on something that presumably wouldn't count now run the risk of dropping down a bracket.

    The solution is simple, just base it on the previous cycle.
  • teekqteekq Member Posts: 190
    Well I hear fortnite is awesome
  • zeustarzeustar Member Posts: 67
    Are they deleting all the posts regarding unacceptable AQ reward for Bracket issues?
  • AsmodeyusAsmodeyus Member Posts: 217
    edited July 2018
    zeustar wrote: »
    Are they deleting all the posts regarding unacceptable AQ reward for Bracket issues?

    think so, not 100% sure.

    Edit: New discussions, not added posts here
  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    "Snafu" reminds me of marshmallow fluff .... which reminds me of the Stay-Pufft Marshmallow Man ... which finally, reminds me of... CROSSING THE STREAMS!

    Gozer has arrived.
  • BigTuna13BigTuna13 Member Posts: 43
    ***PLEASE READ***
    Give them as good as they gave us. Stop spending on the game. By all means, continue to play and enjoy the game, but I refuse to spend real currency on these devs anymore. Kabam has lost my monetary loyalty. That's how you send a message. No "boycott". Nah. Show em your lack of dollars and that's what they"ll listen to.
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    BigTuna13 wrote: »
    ***PLEASE READ***
    Give them as good as they gave us. Stop spending on the game. By all means, continue to play and enjoy the game, but I refuse to spend real currency on these devs anymore. Kabam has lost my monetary loyalty. That's how you send a message. No "boycott". Nah. Show em your lack of dollars and that's what they"ll listen to.

    They are planning to release a package with "Good Connection Ticket".

    If you have it, then you can access all content - uninterrupted. The price is $100 per week.
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    I came on here repeatedly asking bc the answer wasn’t clear how compensation would be addressed. Numerous people said they were just going to run map 3, while my ally kept running map 5. While I get your frustration, not sure why your view of the “fair” result would be to get the same rewards as others who went ahead and kept running map 5.
  • k666kk666k Member Posts: 47
    Run477 wrote: »
    I came on here repeatedly asking bc the answer wasn’t clear how compensation would be addressed. Numerous people said they were just going to run map 3, while my ally kept running map 5. While I get your frustration, not sure why your view of the “fair” result would be to get the same rewards as others who went ahead and kept running map 5.

    Because the only reason we dropped to map 3 was on the information given to us by kabam, if we had any doubt then we would have done map 5, our crime was believing what kabam said, should not be punished for that
  • AsmodeyusAsmodeyus Member Posts: 217
    Run477 wrote: »
    I came on here repeatedly asking bc the answer wasn’t clear how compensation would be addressed. Numerous people said they were just going to run map 3, while my ally kept running map 5. While I get your frustration, not sure why your view of the “fair” result would be to get the same rewards as others who went ahead and kept running map 5.

    No i expect the same fix as before when this problem occured. Previous week, and you keep whatever you got this week.

    What about alliances that changed to map five and still got shoved into map 2.
  • Nick_Caine_32Nick_Caine_32 Member Posts: 587 ★★★★
    CFree wrote: »
    My alliance is on map 3 due to not being worth the current awards in this error, being that we were in the expert. Kabam must reward according to the level they were in and if they did not change the type of quest keep at the same level as we were before the mistakes. Many alliances were not so dedicated because of Kabam's mistake, thus making inferior maps.
    Rewarding based on last week’s level doesn’t make sense. What if an alliance ran map 3 last week and are running map 5 this week? They shouldn’t be punished because you chose to run a lower map this week.

    Simple solution would be to give the groups who did run map 5 this week (if it truly is the case that a group did all map 3 last week then jumped to map 5 this week, which is interesting in itself) their full resources back and the milestones they were granted. Because the error and bad communication was solely on kabams end, how about we stick together and say neither group in this example would be punished? Neither is fair, and kabam could use some goodwill right now. Instead we got the worst possible option and huge swaths of groups in expert tier will be affected by something they had no control or guidance from anyone here on.
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