When’s IMIWs nerf coming dang

Starting to notice a trend on other forum sites that people just give up entirely when the they see the new god character on 10 or nodes per AW. Even unduped he puts almost any hero at a severe disadvantage if he’s a 5* or 6*...
I saw a map pic and that team placed 2-3 IMIW per person on their map... didn’t even need diversity since that team only made it through a small handful of them and was completely blocked.
Makes this game really monotonous and stacked.
Even read that alliances aren’t even participating until they farm a few 5/6* IMIW to balance it out... now that’s just sad.
I saw a map pic and that team placed 2-3 IMIW per person on their map... didn’t even need diversity since that team only made it through a small handful of them and was completely blocked.
Makes this game really monotonous and stacked.
Even read that alliances aren’t even participating until they farm a few 5/6* IMIW to balance it out... now that’s just sad.
On other ones he could have power gain or armor up with 150% increased healing abilities or arc overload... without an incredible heavy hitter or a heal block and nullify champ/armor break champ you’ll get a timeout or never beat him.
Unless you have specific champs the avg to above avg player skill won’t be enough to even get an attacker bonus.
I ran into 2 6* and a duped 5* in my current war. Magik does fine on the 2 5* champs but I know on a decent node she can’t handle him with a 6*
Also- the armor break doesn’t always work on AW nodes. His armor up won’t disappear and people have posted videos of him parry blocking heavies as well.
The game itself is becoming vanilla. The current AW I’m in has 3 imiw on the same path. Pretty boring to fight 2 6* and a duped 5* on just path 7. We’ve also got a mini that a 6* and a few more 5*... this simply reiterates that the maps are being saturated
You’ll feel a lot better accepting the fact that you couldn’t beat him.
Lol. Drop IMIW on any node and see my alliance one shot them.
So what you’re saying is if your mates don’t get wrecked you’re perfectly fine with it? Lol. Nice measurement yardstick.
IMIW has an unblockable sp1, armour break on his sp2 and on his heavy, as well as an unparryable medium attack
Idk about you guys, but he seems like a great counter to himself lol