Thanks to the user for creating the video with easy steps on how to fix the issues that kabam are unable to do
Really you got told not too post something that is nit currently helping so you create another post to spread this false claim. Smh .
Dont know who you are or what you're on about. Worked for me and others I know.
So a few players got better results is not a fix. I’m lucky to have multiples devices so I did try and if you say that there’s no overheating even on beta 2 you are lying to yourself. Dowloading beta 12 is not the solution. Kabam need to fix their game regardless.
Thanks to the user for creating the video with easy steps on how to fix the issues that kabam are unable to do
Really you got told not too post something that is nit currently helping so you create another post to spread this false claim. Smh .
Dont know who you are or what you're on about. Worked for me and others I know.
So a few players got better results is not a fix. I’m lucky to have multiples devices so I did try and if you say that there’s no overheating even on beta 2 you are lying to yourself
It fixed the issue for me and those I know so yes I would call it a fix. Not experiencing no over heating since I updated. Was worth a share so others could do it to help them keep gaming. If you dont want to do it that's cool, dont waste your time posting here just go sulk in the corner until kabam issue a new update
I have been on iOS beta for well over a year and tho I am experiencing fewer problems than some, I am still experiencing problems. This is not a fix but a band aid. The blood is still flowing and Kabam needs to fix the wound. They ARE the source
It's just fair warning to people. This may help or may not. Results have been good and bad. There's no way to go backwards so if other problems show up you're stuck. Good luck.
I do wish I could edit my previous comment. I just finished updating to iOS 12 and it's still getting hot. The OS looks nicer and I'm sure it's got great features but it's not really a fix, at least not for me. Maybe throw it out there that it's a possible fix and not a for sure thing. Although nothing is for sure when it comes to "fixes" for issues like this anyway.
It's just fair warning to people. This may help or may not. Results have been good and bad. There's no way to go backwards so if other problems show up you're stuck. Good luck.
There is, they specifically tell you to back up your device, show you how, and how to archive/copy the backup so it's not lost, and give clear instructions on how to uninstall the update. It's absolutely possible to go back.
The easiest way to stop the overheating issue is to stop playing the game. This is the best option considering how they have mislead EVERY alliance in the game and how the moderators will not respond to a thread unless it is to close down a thread. The alliance quest debacle is a perfect example.
Really you got told not too post something that is nit currently helping so you create another post to spread this false claim. Smh .
Dont know who you are or what you're on about. Worked for me and others I know.
So a few players got better results is not a fix. I’m lucky to have multiples devices so I did try and if you say that there’s no overheating even on beta 2 you are lying to yourself. Dowloading beta 12 is not the solution. Kabam need to fix their game regardless.
It fixed the issue for me and those I know so yes I would call it a fix. Not experiencing no over heating since I updated. Was worth a share so others could do it to help them keep gaming. If you dont want to do it that's cool, dont waste your time posting here just go sulk in the corner until kabam issue a new update
So atm, mcoc indicected dis-continue support for any iphone except iphone in ios12
Says another FTP player I am sure.
There is, they specifically tell you to back up your device, show you how, and how to archive/copy the backup so it's not lost, and give clear instructions on how to uninstall the update. It's absolutely possible to go back.