Change the way legend timing works

GSTAR21GSTAR21 Member Posts: 168
Android players are constantly disadvantaged when it comes to speed running through content for rewards or titles. This is due to the longer loading screens that Android players have to deal with which is simply not fair.

A simple solution would be to change the way the overall legend timer works so that it only counts the in-fight time rather than the loading screens or in between fight screens. There are much bigger issues in this game to deal with right now but if this idea ever got implemented it would benefit a lot of Android players.


  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    But that takes away from doing the run in one sitting if it only counts fight times. The current system is not ideal but it is the best imo
  • IcsGrecIcsGrec Member Posts: 919 ★★★
    Counting only fight times would mean you can do the legend run whenever during the entire event duration, as it won't matter if you fight today, tomorrow or next week.
    The game is the same for everyone, so are the rules.
    If android users choose an android device, they should know the advantages and disadvantages of that OS.
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    But that takes away from doing the run in one sitting if it only counts fight times. The current system is not ideal but it is the best imo

    I think it would work if you counted not only the fight time, but the time inside the map (or out of the quest while not finished). Either way I do agree that counting the load time puts many people at a disadvantage including apple players without the I-Phone X.
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    IcsGrec wrote: »
    Counting only fight times would mean you can do the legend run whenever during the entire event duration, as it won't matter if you fight today, tomorrow or next week.
    The game is the same for everyone, so are the rules.
    If android users choose an android device, they should know the advantages and disadvantages of that OS.

    I think you would have to count time in the map and time outside of the quest while not at 100% also. That would level the playing field for everyone.
  • NewYorkSmittyNewYorkSmitty Member Posts: 67
    It should simply count fight time. Outside of that is just silly
  • IOSJasoNIOSJasoN Member Posts: 649 ★★★
    Or just buy an iPhone X.. Problem solved..
    That may not sound like a great solution but their never going to change it.. There's an old saying if you can't beat them join them..
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    IOSJasoN wrote: »
    Or just buy an iPhone X.. Problem solved..
    That may not sound like a great solution but their never going to change it.. There's an old saying if you can't beat them join them..

    Maybe if it wasn't like 100% more expensive than the previous iPhone. Unfortunately there is another saying "Money doesn't grow on trees."
  • IOSJasoNIOSJasoN Member Posts: 649 ★★★
    That is true.. I've yet to find a tree that grows money :-) However knowing you want a legend title and what is needed to get one, You either get it or not.. Players have been complaining about the difference between IOS and Android for along time.. I've seen suggestions such as the OPs a fair few times.. Still after all this time it hasn't changed.. FYI looking online at speed tests within the game the iPhone 8 plus runs at pretty much the same speed as the iPhone X and it's a couple hundred cheaper..
  • Mikea117Mikea117 Member Posts: 96
    I’m not seeing what the issue is between iOS and Android? I have friends who do legend runs on android with almost every monthly quest. And they have no issues about the lag or whatever you’re whining about. iOS users can’t even play now due to the overheating issues that aren’t even being addressed or responded to at the moment. Android users need to stop whining about a lag or little longer loading screen. It’s getting ridiculous. I used to play on android and never had an issue. Just get over it.
  • IOSJasoNIOSJasoN Member Posts: 649 ★★★
    There is a huge difference mate..
    Iphone; average load time is around half a second to a second..
    Android; average load time is around 7-10 seconds..
    It may not sound like a big issue but when you add that up for every fight it makes a major difference..
    I can understand the frustration but if it's what you want and there's a way around the issue then you do what you got to do..
  • GSTAR21GSTAR21 Member Posts: 168
    Okay then put a time limit so you can only achieve the legend title within the first day or so of the event or challenge beginning, but still count only fight time. This way you still have to do it within a small period of time but only your actual fight time will be taken into account.

    There is no need to make this an iPhone only challenge, loading times are not skill related and shouldn't hold a player back
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    GSTAR21 wrote: »
    Okay then put a time limit so you can only achieve the legend title within the first day or so of the event or challenge beginning, but still count only fight time. This way you still have to do it within a small period of time but only your actual fight time will be taken into account.

    There is no need to make this an iPhone only challenge, loading times are not skill related and shouldn't hold a player back

    Data needed to be stored, server side.
  • MfallsMfalls Member Posts: 94
    With all of the crashing and phone over heating issues accompanying this current EQ, the Legends run times are a major issue!
  • GSTAR21GSTAR21 Member Posts: 168
    Mfalls wrote: »
    With all of the crashing and phone over heating issues accompanying this current EQ, the Legends run times are a major issue!

    My original message stated that "There are much bigger issues in this game to deal with right now but if this idea ever got implemented it would benefit a lot of Android players". Just because there are bigger issues going on at the moment doesn't mean no one can discuss future improvements. Read the thread next time before trying to be a smartass
  • M1st3r S1n1st3rM1st3r S1n1st3r Member Posts: 24
    I cracked top 100 this past Legends run with an IPhone 7 Plus. But barely. Time to get a new phone 😂
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,404 Guardian
    GSTAR21 wrote: »
    Android players are constantly disadvantaged when it comes to speed running through content for rewards or titles. This is due to the longer loading screens that Android players have to deal with which is simply not fair.

    A simple solution would be to change the way the overall legend timer works so that it only counts the in-fight time rather than the loading screens or in between fight screens. There are much bigger issues in this game to deal with right now but if this idea ever got implemented it would benefit a lot of Android players.

    1. It has been suggested many times in the past and Kabam has responded that separate from the issue of whether or not it is a good idea to do, their current platform doesn't have the ability to do that.

    2. Changing it in this way makes the legend time less a question of who runs the map the fastest and more of who can fight the individual fights the fastest. It allows people to do things like take unlimited breaks between fights and other logistical quirks. I'm not sure it is the best idea even if it were possible to do.

    Subtracting load times might be the fairest thing to do, but that gets potentially complicated to do in the general case.
  • Adamdrt2006Adamdrt2006 Member Posts: 429
    Why no do it based off of number of deaths, items used (excluding energery refills) and have time a "tie breaker"
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Simply there is no way to make legend runs fair to everyone. They could decrease the speed on iOs devices to match the speed of android devices, or do the opposite (which will probably never happen). But even then, android suffers far more lag in combats than ios, and the timer would count the lag as well
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★
    edited July 2018
    At this moment in time Legend title does not mean legend. It’s more of a ‘you get cool coloured chat and you had 3 hours to kill and a bunch of refills’ badge.

    Add a new title and a new challenge that actually requires skill. Call it a Titan badge or something and make your chat colour blue. Have it for a new piece of content unlocked when uncollected that doesn’t enable any spending or reviving in it whatsoever, one fight with no unavoidable damage or evade. Just a tough fight with interesting nodes. Or have it for sale of 5,000 units or something. Put a chunk of 6* shards in and boom:
    -new title that commands actual respect
    -spenders and the impatient can spend to enter it
    -free to play can grind for it
    -worthwhile rewards
    -not a pay to win piece of content, you have to be good to beat it
    -blue chat is way better than red chat
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,404 Guardian
    Simply there is no way to make legend runs fair to everyone.

    There's no way to make any competition "fair to everyone." There are always advantages and disadvantages, and in every competition we arbitrarily decide which advantages are competitive, and which ones are counter-competitive. If Steph Curry can shoot three point shots better than anyone else, then which ever team has him has an advantage. Whether that is a fair or unfair advantage is completely arbitrary to the rules of basketball. At the moment MCOC doesn't consider the basic characteristics of the device you play on to be counter-productive advantages, short of hacking the game. So while Android load times are a problem to be solved, it is not currently considered an "unfair" advantage to play on an iPhone.
  • Son_of_OdinSon_of_Odin Member Posts: 50
    edited July 2018
    Now would probably be a good time to try for legend. From what i've seen on the forums iPhone users can't play for more than 15 min at a time without for the first time android users have the time advantage before everything gets fixed
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