Which Mystic to R5 first (Four star)

I have a 297k rated account, and I'm wondering who should be my first R5 mystic (or R3 five star mystic). I already have 3 R5 four stars (Blade, Sparky and Hype) and 1 R3 5 star (Spiderman classic; I regret this very much and would take him down when I get a Rank down gem straight away). I am uncollected too. I have 3 mystic T4s and 4 basic T4s, but I am going to do AQ to get more basics. (I also have 3 tech T4s and 3 mutant T4s and Iceman, OGDP, Starlord at R4, but OGDP is unawakened.)
Should I R5
GR: currently at R1 since I recently pulled him but I have a mystic gem to use on him (also have the other 2 in the holy trinity at R5, high sig)
Mephisto: Currently at R4, sig 79
Dormammu five star: Currently at R2, unawakened
DV: Currently at R4, sig 20
SW: Currently at R4, sig 30
Any tips on who to R5?
Should I R5
GR: currently at R1 since I recently pulled him but I have a mystic gem to use on him (also have the other 2 in the holy trinity at R5, high sig)
Mephisto: Currently at R4, sig 79
Dormammu five star: Currently at R2, unawakened
DV: Currently at R4, sig 20
SW: Currently at R4, sig 30
Any tips on who to R5?
I took the Witch to R5 a while back and don't regret it at all but I don't have the trinity to work with.
Unless you can put some of the good stuff into SW, get her closer to 99.